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BJP defends Modi's remarks on Muslims, says they 'resonated with people' | Latest news India

BJP defends Modi's remarks on Muslims, says they 'resonated with people' |  Latest news India


The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday defended Prime Minister Narendra Modi's controversial remarks, which the opposition described as communal division.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a public meeting for the Lok Sabha elections, in Aligarh on Monday, April 22, 2024. (PTI)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a public meeting for the Lok Sabha elections, in Aligarh on Monday, April 22, 2024. (PTI)

BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia told reporters that Prime Minister Modi was only echoing people's sentiments by calling a spade a spade. Bhatia said the opposition was suffering as Modi showed them the mirror of his past.

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PM Modi drew backlash from opposition parties for his remarks at an election rally in Rajasthan's Banswara where he claimed that the Congress was planning to give away the money and valuables hard-won to the “infiltrators” and “those who have more children”.

The Congress manifesto says that they will calculate the gold with mothers and sisters and then distribute these assets. They will distribute it to whom – the Manmohan Singh government had declared that Muslims had the first right to the country's property, he claimed.

“Earlier, when their (Congress) government was in power, they had declared that Muslims have the first right to the property of the country. This means to whom will this property be distributed? It will be distributed among those who have the most of children.

“It will be distributed to the infiltrators. Should your hard-earned money go to the infiltrators? Do you approve of that?” he said.

Read: Kapil Sibal's question to Election Commission on Modi's remark on those having more children

The Congress on Monday accused Modi of trying to create communal polarization for electoral gains.

Senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor termed the speech as shameful and a purely communal appeal which normally any civilized election commission would reject and warn the candidate from speaking like that.

Former Union Minister and Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal questioned whether 20 million people in the country mattered to Prime Minister Modi or not, urging the Election Commission to take immediate action.

Politics has stooped to such a level and this has never happened in history and I don't want it to happen. I would like to ask the Electoral Commission a question as to why action was not taken immediately. You (EC) should condemn it and a notice should be issued to Prime Minister Modi, Sibal said.

Bhatia, however, claimed that Modi's remarks resonated with the people because for the opposition bloc INDIA, those who entered the country illegally are more important than citizens if they are Muslims.

Certainly, a clarification from the PMO dated 2006, available in the archives, showed that the then government had clarified that former Prime Minister Singh had said that all underprivileged sections needed to be uplifted and therefore had the first right to resources.




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