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This 25-year-old created a pay gap calculator to make you pay what you're worth

This 25-year-old created a pay gap calculator to make you pay what you're worth


This 25-year-old created a pay gap calculator to make you pay what you're worth

When Adeola Ajani landed her “dream job” as a financial analyst at Morgan Stanley, she was thrilled. This feat was the culmination of his years of higher education, internships and development. And yet, she was largely underestimated. She was paid between 35 and 40 percent less than her male counterparts,” despite having similar qualifications.

The problem, she says, began when she signed a non-negotiable agreement as part of her job offer contract, in which she understood she would not be able to negotiate the amount at all of his initial salary. She later discovered that her white colleague was not only able to negotiate his salary, but had obtained an amount significantly higher than what he was making.

“When I found out, I was devastated,” Ajani tells ESSENCE. “I told my mother. She told me to let it go. This is exactly what is happening to us. I couldn't let it go. I went to HR. I didn't even go see my manager. I went to HR. HR told me I signed a non-negotiable agreement, and it's very important. A non-negotiable agreement means that once you sign it, it is as is. We don't negotiate with you. We are not talking with you. It's like that. So I ate that. I worked weekends, holidays, overtime to try to do what he did, and I was close. But I realized that I was still very underpaid, no matter how hard I worked. I had to realize that I couldn't kill myself over this. So, I pivoted.

While working full-time at the company, she began collecting information on the racial and gender pay gap. Shortly after, she launched a pay gap calculator to help women of color, particularly Black women, assess their salary thresholds.

“This white colleague had mentors who taught him that everything is negotiable,” Ajani shares. “A lot of us don’t have it.”

Now, in just a few years, this standalone tool has grown into Fem Equity, a full-fledged company that houses its SaaS platform that provides financial education and professional development that has reached thousands of people. Surprisingly, Ajani didn't plan things that way. “It wasn’t meant to be a business,” Ajani shares. “It was just supposed to be a solution to eradicate the $1.1 million salary gap.”

What she's referring to is that black women lose millions in wealth over a 40-year work period due to the wage gap.

As ESSENCE previously pointed out, women earn on average 82 percent of what men earn, according to recent data from the Pew Research Center. Black women earn just 67 cents of what non-black men earn. What's more Center for American Progress says a woman can lose between $400,000 and $1.2 million because of it.

On average, Fem Equity claims to have help users increase their annual salary by $20,000, the figure that falls between people living on a budget and actual generational wealth accumulation. Ajani shared that additional user earnings now exceed $1,000,000.

And she did all this at just 25 years old.

“I’m just getting started,” Ajani says. “I have known since I was 17 that I was destined to invest in my community in terms of financial empowerment. This is just the beginning.”

This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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