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Absolut combats AI bias with 10,000 diverse image prompts

Absolut combats AI bias with 10,000 diverse image prompts


Diving brief:

  • Pernod Ricards Absolut Vodka has partnered with full-service studio Copy Lab for an initiative to address the lack of diverse representation in artificial intelligence (AI)-generated fashion content, according to details shared with Marketing Dive.
  • As part of the Absolut Intelligence effort, 10,000 image prompts were fed into AI datasets that highlight a large-scale representation of fashion, culture and identity . As part of this effort, a selection of AI-generated images have been made available for download on Unsplash, a royalty-free image website.
  • The images will also feature in the second edition of fashion magazine AI Copy Magazine. The effort aims to help train AI algorithms to generate less biased results and follows initiatives from other marketers who are also looking to solve popular technology pitfalls.

Dive overview:

AI, particularly the generative form, continued to captivate Adland in 2024, serving as a focal point for both the latest bottom line discussions and creative marketing developments. However, the hot technology has also found itself at the center of scrutiny due to major shortcomings such as its habit of generating factual inaccuracies and his amplification of racial and gender stereotypesleading some marketers to speak out with messages of caution.

With its latest effort, Absolut is tackling AI bias in fashion, a category for which a lack of representation could be particularly detrimental. Absolut Intelligence saw brand Pernod Ricard and Copy Lab capture 10,000 images into AI datasets that showcase a diverse representation of fashion and culture and create 25 unique and inclusive images. The goal is that by increasing the amount of representative content processed, generative AI algorithms will be trained to correctly understand and interpret the diversity of fashion.

The generated images are available for free on image site Unsplash and will also be featured in the second edition of Copy Magazine, billed as the world's first AI-powered fashion magazine. A microsite also serves to explain this effort, which aims to expand on the brand's 40-plus year efforts to rally around inclusiveness, fluidity and diverse representation, according to Debasree Dasgupta, global vice president of marketing at Absolutely.

Our brand philosophy is rooted in the concept of mixing ideas, identities, people, perspectives and drinks. Given this foundation, we feel a deep responsibility to address AI bias head-on, Dasgupta said in the statement details. By challenging these biases, we aim to help create more equitable and inclusive technology that positively impacts individuals and communities globally.

Others have taken a similar stance on AI, including Dove, which pledged not to use AI to portray women in its advertising and communications as part of a campaign, The Code, which also includes a set of guidelines to help users of generative AI create more representative images. In April, IBM launched a Trust What You Create campaign demonstrating the many mistakes that can be made with generative AI.

Beyond its latest effort, Absolut also focused on diversity last June with the launch of a global platform called Absolut Ally aimed at better educating consumers and business owners about LGBTQ+ allyship. The brand has also sought to tie itself to cultural touchpoints, recently returning to the metaverse with the relaunch of a Decentraland activation timed around the Coachella music festival.




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