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What Wall Street financial bros should wear this summer

What Wall Street financial bros should wear this summer


  • Summer is coming and that means ditching bulky outerwear for new work styles.
  • Business Insider spoke with style experts about what's hot and what's not for the upcoming season.
  • Here's what finance bros should wear to work this summer.

The weather is getting warmer and it's time for financial bros to update their wardrobes at the same time.

As Wall Street has mostly returned to the office, investment bankers and workers who run companies such as JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup have had to once again ditch their sweatpants for tailored suits. But some of them apparently have difficulty readjusting to non-stretchable clothing.

More and more white-collar workers are relying on stylists to enhance their work wardrobe. The work can earn tens of thousands of fashion experts with a single client.

And it seems the finance and Silicon Valley executives who hire these style arbiters have the right idea. Lately, tech titans such as Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos, perhaps through his fashionable fiancée, Lauren Sanchez, have been featured in publications for what they wear rather than the project on which they work.

So, Business Insider asked style experts and a financial bro what brands and styles these Wall Street guys should be looking for in their summer workwear.

Reginald Ferguson, a men's fashion consultant, told BI he wants his clients to stay “modern and classic” in their daily attire. Here's what he and others had to say.


A composite image of a Charles Tyrwhitt striped button-down shirt and a Peter Millar navy shirt.

A style consultant said Charles Tyrwhitt shirts were a good “starter kit”. Peter Millar is where luxury meets sportswear.

Charles Tyrwhitt; Peter Millar

Peter Millar and Charles Tyrwhitt are two brands that were suggested to BI by an early career investment banker who asked to remain anonymous to protect his career.

Ferguson, the style consultant, also gave a nod to British retailer Charles Tyrwhitt, saying it was a good “starter kit” for workwear. Those in their first year as associates tend to take advantage of its “multiple buy” offer that reduces the price of shirts by about $100 for most styles when you buy in bulk.

Peter Millar is trendier with his use of athletic fabrics in his workwear. Shirts categorized as “workweek” cost around $250 on the official website.

Ferguson said it's a “luxury golf brand that has been smart in expanding its range so its customers can wear other clothing when they're not on the course.”


A composite image of black pants from Zegna and cream pants from Kiton.

Zegna's work pants typically cost less than $2,000. Kiton pants are also an option.


Those who dress the rich have touted Italian brand Zegna for its range of classic, casual looks. The company's pants typically cost less than $2,000.

Ferguson said Kiton, another premium brand from Italy, was “the holy grail for the company's partner.” The high price may indicate why it is the choice of more experienced and better paid employees.

Kiton pants can cost anywhere from $1,000 and up for cashmere pants.

“The fabrics they choose are sumptuous, and yes, everyone can tell when you're wearing a Kiton suit,” Nicole Pollard Bayme, CEO of the Los Angeles styling company. LalaluxeBI said.

Shoes and accessories

Composite image of a Casio watch, a man wearing sunglasses and a pair of black sneakers.

Casio offers affordable watches and sunglasses are a classic summer accessory. Zegna sneakers cost $1,000 each.

Zegna; Casio; Getty Images

Zegna's TripleStitch sneakers cost around $1,000 and have gained popularity among the wealthy.

“In an incredibly short time, the Zegna TripleStitch has become the de facto shoe for private jet travel,” said Bayme.

And while our style gurus didn't comment on specific brands of accessories, perhaps workers could take some inspiration from tech leaders when it comes to watches.

Billionaire Bill Gates has been seen wearing a $70 Casio watch, while Oracle chief technology officer Larry Ellison is said to have an extensive collection of Richard Mille watches, which can range from six figures to even more.

When in doubt, sunglasses are always a functional way to make your outfit look cooler.




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