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Seeing double: Ryan Reynolds buys property in Queensland

Seeing double: Ryan Reynolds buys property in Queensland


Shaun Birley saw a high demand for promotional work, which helped him invest in the property market.

A Brisbane man who was asked to be a dead ringer for Hollywood star Ryan Reynolds has turned his movie star looks into an investment, landing a million-dollar home in the process.

Shaun Birley, 35, may be a dozen years younger than the Canadian-American megamillionaire, but he is so often mistaken for the Hollywood star that he was even bombarded by fans at an airport for selfies.

Mr Birley, superbly dressed, said he did not have the heart to tell Mr Reynolds' fans that he was neither the movie star nor any other famous person.

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Brisbane man Shaun Birley has been mistaken for Ryan Reynolds by fans. Photo: Instagram

The Brisbane resident receives many requests to promote products.

I wish I could say he could potentially be my half-brother but no, he laughs. The funny thing is I just don't see it and people talk about it every day.

The airport video of fans asking him for selfies created some visibility, attracting the attention of people who work directly with Mr. Reynolds, one of whom offered Mr. Birley a job in Abu Dhabi earlier This year.

Unfortunately, we had scheduling conflicts and I missed a double commercial with Ryan Reynolds in Abu Dhabi three months ago. He is the new ambassador of Abu Dhabi. The producers said they would keep me in mind for their future work, which is cool.

His movie star looks have helped him amass over 118,000 followers on Instagram alone for his men's fashion advice posts over the past few years, creating collaborative work with major brands that has helped him save to buy a property.

Mr Birley enjoys the sunshine in Noosa.

Mr Birley has 118,000 followers on his Instagram account which focuses on men's style, fashion and travel. Photo: Instagram

Brisbane, he said, was epic. I love this city. To be honest, I think it was one of the most underrated cities in the world. Watch it now, I'm going crazy with the Olympics coming up too. It's so cool and the people make it a very welcoming place to live.

Born in South Africa, Mr Birley moved to Brisbane about nine years ago with his parents, buying a three-bedroom townhouse in North Lakes for $489,000 off Stockland in 2016.

This property has now sold for $700,000 through Place Ascot agents Drew Davies and Olivia Charlton, for a price $15,000 more than the listed price.

Mr Birley also bought out Grayas Bulimba's luxury apartment project, Canvas, purchasing a 131sqm three-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment for $1.34 million in 2022 off-plan.

These guys are doing an incredible job, he said. It has increased quite a bit. I paid $1.34 million and it was reappraised at $1.7 million. This was completed late last year. It's an investment.

He sold his three-bedroom townhouse in North Lakes for $700,000.

He bought a three-bedroom apartment in this Bulimba project for $1.34 million.

Mr. Birley, who juggles producing content for brands with educating men about fashion, style and travel, has a day job he can do from anywhere: he runs the company d InXpress shipping technology, which compares shipping options for businesses.

We compare DHL, FedEx, UPS, TNT and other courier companies, then you can choose according to the weight, volume, size, urgency and distance of the destination. It is occupied. This is a cool software that we implement in warehouses so that they don't have to create multiple accounts with courier companies.

This flexibility allows him to travel a lot, notably to play polo in Argentina, which he currently does.

Mr. Birley's day job is at a technology company that compares shipping options for businesses.

Mr Birley in a campaign for Uniqlo.

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I will play a month of matches in Argentina and then come back here to play the Australian polo season, he said. I will probably join a team called Larapinta. They are based approximately 30 minutes from Brisbane.

Asked about the idea that Argentinian locals think they see the Hollywood star playing polo, Mr Birley laughed, saying I don't think Ryan Reynolds knows he also plays polo.

For fans hoping to catch a glimpse of the Hollywood star, the closest they will get this year is the closing speech at the AREC annual conference on the Gold Coast, which Mr Reynolds is due to deliver, although that will be by satellite.





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