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Fan Fashion at Olivia Rodrigo's Philadelphia Guts Tour Stop

Fan Fashion at Olivia Rodrigo's Philadelphia Guts Tour Stop


It was a meeting of teenage angst and Doc Martens enthusiasts Friday afternoon before Olivia Rodrigos' highly anticipated Guts Tour stop in Philadelphia.

Billed as the hottest ticket of the summer, with resale seats fetching thousands of dollars, crowds gathered in their most glittering outfits hours before doors opened at the Wells Fargo Center, swapping friendship bracelets and comparing outfit specs.

Since its launch in February, the Guts Tour has seen strong demand, selling out nearly every show of its nearly 100 dates.

Friday's show marked Rodrigos' first return to Philadelphia since performing at the Met in 2022 on his first Sour tour. And the dress code was clear: lots of purple, sequins, bows and Y2K nods whenever possible.

Before his performance, Inquirer reporters spoke to Rodrigos Guts World Tour Bus Experiencea free pop-up installation coinciding with the singers' tour where fans could view the starlets' costumes, write and send postcards and enjoy photo ops, especially in Spill Your Guts' dazzling bathrooms.

Here are some of our favorite looks and people we met before Rodrigos' show.

These interviews have been condensed for length and clarity.

Mara, 18, and her mother, Lynn Mariani, of Buffalo, NY

What are your favorite Olivia Rodrigo songs?

Lynn: I like Driver's License and Vampire.

How did you imagine your outfits?

Mara: I wanted something bright because that's what Olivia is known for. And purple, black and boots, she wears those a lot.

Lynn: I was told I had to wear this.

Regan Schlesinger and Kailey Donlon

Kailey Donlon, 17, and Regan Schlesinger, 16, from the Philadelphia area

How long have you been a fan of Olivia Rodrigo?

Both: Since seventh grade.

What is your favorite song?

Regan: My ex. I miss him, so bad idea, right? is my favorite song right now. He keeps calling me crazy.

Is this your first Olivia Rodrigo show?

Erica Spross and Nyah Badillo

Erica Spross, 32, and her niece, Nyah Badillo, 16, of Reading

How long have you been a fan of Olivia Rodrigo?

How did you choose your outfits?

Nyah: Pinterest and TikTok. We talked about some things and thought about Olivia and how quirky she is in her performances.

Is this the first time you've seen Olivia Rodrigo perform live?

Erica: Yes. [Nyah] She was both nervous and excited the whole time. This is actually her very first concert.

Zoey G. Righter with her family

Zoey G. Righter, 8, joined by her older sister Olivya M. Symons, 17, her mother, Laura M. Righter, and her friend, Alyssa Hoffman, 17, of Reading

Is this your first concert?

How long have you been listening to Olivia's music?

Your braids look so beautiful with the purple highlights and butterflies.

Laura: It was her idea. She said, “I want purple in my braids.” I said, “Okay, go put purple in your braids.”

Hayley, Heather and Tom Blackiston

Hayley, 11, with her parents, Heather and Tom Blackiston of Northeastern Maryland

How long have you been a fan of Olivia Rodrigo?

Hayley: Since Bizaardvark [Rodrigos Disney debut, circa 2016]

Lots of research. My parents bought me this shirt and I looked at different shiny things and thought about the skirt.

Hayley Blackiston

How did you imagine your outfit today?

Hayley: I did a lot of research. My parents bought me this t-shirt and I looked at different sparkly things and thought about the skirt.

[Editors note: Props to the research, but please dont miss Tom Blackistons shirt]

Justin, 19, from Bellville, NJ and Bryan, 22, from southern New Jersey

Have you always been a fan of Olivias?

Justin: I was a little skeptical, because I looked at the The High School Musical and I liked her, but when the driver's license came out, I thought, OK, she's everywhere, there's something fishy. But then I listened Sour and I've been a fan forever.

In the reminder, Olivia wears a funny t-shirt every night. So I decided to wear a funny t-shirt and I literally can't even parallel park.

Justin Sousa

How did you choose your outfits?

Bryan: I saw these jeans at Target where I work, thought they were cute, and built my outfit around them. This shirt is borrowed from [Justin]and Docs are an Olivia staple, so I figured I had to wear the Docs.

Justin: In the encore, Olivia wears a funny t-shirt every night. So I decided to wear a funny t-shirt and I can't even parallel park.

Emilee Kenyon of Vermont

How long have you been a fan of Olivia Rodrigo?

Emilee: I've been a fan since Drivers License. It really makes you sing. It hits hard. I regret not going to the Sour Tour. I decided I had to go and I finally did. It's been a journey.

How did you imagine your outfit for today?

Emilee: I found the theme, Sour Queen.

Kate Fischer, Grace and Hannah Druckenmiller, Ninon Brinkman and Victoria Bates

Kate Fischer, 49, gave her cousins ​​Grace Druckenmiller, 15, and Hannah Druckenmiller, 17, tickets to the Guts Tour. They could each bring one friend. They brought Ninon Brinkman, 15, and Victoria Bates, 19, with them. They live just outside Philadelphia.

How long have you been a fan of Olivia Rodrigo?

Kate: These lovely ladies got me interested here, so I'm a recent fan.

Grace, Hannah, Ninon and Victoria: Since Bizaardvark.

How did you imagine your outfits?

Hannah: We coordinated our efforts as a pair.

Journalists: Emily Bloch, Raymond Ragland

Editor: Bedatri D. Choudhury




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