Who Pays to Say Yes to the Dress? The Truth About Expensive Wedding Dresses
If you are considering applying for “Say Yes to the Dress,” you will need to determine your budget and make it realistic.
July 21, 2024, Published at 10:30 a.m. ET
The magic of reality TV holds many secrets and sometimes someone is willing to lift the veil on what is really going on. Say yes to the dress It may seem like a dream come true, but there can be some drawbacks…like the cost.
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Former bride Kelly Rose Sarno explained Tick Tock how the whole process really works. Plus, she revealed who pays for the dress. After all, they certainly don't come cheap.
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Who pays for “Say Yes to the Dress”?
Kelly explained that she didn't have much hope of finding the perfect dress because she was specifically looking for a red dress, something Kleinfeld doesn't carry much of…or any wedding dress store for that matter.
What made it even more difficult was that she didn't really know her budget yet, “because my husband and I were basically paying for the wedding ourselves, with a little help from his family,” she said.
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She added: “I absolutely needed this specific budget, so a lot of our budget went directly to the photographer and that's why I was doing a lot of things myself.”
As a result, she set herself a budget of $2,000, which, if you've ever looked Say yes to the dressyou know $2,000 gets you practically nowhere in Kleinfeld.” Plus, they weren't in a position to make a big purchase like that.
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Kelly admitted that there was a moment of mockery from employees because of her smaller budget. She recalled: “So if you watch my episode, the woman that I have… she went to the manager and she said, 'So, we have Kelly and she wants a red dress.' And the manager said, 'Great.' And she said, 'And she has a $2,000 budget.' Like it was pennies.”
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The strict budget really limited her, especially because the show doesn't help her set the price at all. Kelly was on her own, which means the budgets brides give on the show are real and authentic.
Additionally, the show didn't even pay for Kelly to travel to New York for filming. “We stayed in a New York hotel and if you've ever been to a New York hotel, they're basically closets and Kleinfeld wasn't paying for us to go on that trip,” she said.
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Kelly added: “We paid for gas, hotel. Kleinfeld or TLC wouldn't even validate our parking. There were three of us sleeping on a king bed and poor Tiffany, pregnant as she was, was sleeping on a pull-out couch.”
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Still, they tried to work within her budget as much as possible and find her a deal. “I swear they know what they're doing,” she said before describing a stunning red dress.
The problem, she explained, was that the dress was way too small for her. Plus, there was a huge water stain on the dress. The upside was that this imperfection dropped the value of a $10,000 dress to $2,500, which was still out of Kelly's reach.
So, the people at Kleinfeld might help you find the dress, get you on TV and show your story, but no, they're not going to give you money to help you. After all, that wouldn't be a reality TV moment, would it?
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