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Bianca Censori pushes the boundaries with her daring outfit as she flouts restaurant dress code

Bianca Censori pushes the boundaries with her daring outfit as she flouts restaurant dress code


Kanye Westthe wife of, Bianca Censorshas once again pushed the boundaries of its daring fashion with its latest outing at the iconic Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles.

The model, who has made headlines for her daring style choices, was spotted flaunting her generous endowment in a barely-there micro bikini that brazenly defied the exclusive venue's 'business casual' dress code.

Bianca Censori's latest release came after Los Angeles restaurateurs expressed concerns about her dress and threatened to ban her and her husband, Kanye West.

Kanye West's wife Bianca Censori smiling with her eyes closed on a couchKanye West's wife Bianca Censori smiling with her eyes closed on a couch

Instagram | Kanye West

The Australian-born beauty, who never shies away from expressing herself with her daring fashion sense, has done it again, but this time she may be at risk of being banned from the Chateau Marmont.

According to a report, Censori went to the popular spot on Monday for drinks with friends and bared her breasts in a barely-there leather bra that only covered her modesty.

She teamed the provocative ensemble with tiny leather shorts as she enjoyed some downtime with her friends.

Censori's appearance was against the establishment's dress code, which states that guests must wear “business casual” attire for the day. However, it is unclear whether he was disciplined or fined.

West and his wife face possible bans from several restaurants in the city after numerous restaurant owners decided to bar them from their establishments due to their inappropriate appearance.

Check out the model's daring outfit at Chateau Marmont here.

Bianca Censori was spotted cradling Kanye West's daughter Chicago at his 'Vultures' album launchBianca Censori was spotted cradling Kanye West's daughter Chicago at his 'Vultures' album launch

Bianca Censori was spotted cradling Kanye West's daughter Chicago at his 'Vultures' album launch

Censori recently committed a form of public indecency by appearing braless in a transparent top.

The Yeezy architect left onlookers wondering if she had crossed the line when she went braless to the Melrose Tanning Company tanning salon.

She completed her look with a pair of beige underwear, heels and a camouflage print hat.

According to Daily MailThe 29-year-old's X-rated stunt could land her in jail, a fine and mandatory registration as a sex offender, as it could be considered indecent exposure under California law.

California Penal Code Section 314(1) allows for a felony conviction if a person willfully and lewdly exposes himself or her private parts in a public place or in a place where other persons are present and may be offended or annoyed.

For a first offender, this is usually a misdemeanor and can result in a six-month prison sentence, a fine of up to $1,000 and/or mandatory registration as a sex offender for at least ten years if sentenced to the maximum penalty.

Kanye West and his “wife” Bianca CensoriKanye West and his “wife” Bianca Censori

Kanye West and his “wife” Bianca Censori

In addition to Censori's racy outings, her husband, West, has been hit with a shocking lawsuit filed by former Yeezy employees against him and his former Yeezy chief of staff, Milo Yiannopoulos, accusing the couple of fostering a racist work environment with inhumane working conditions.

West and Yiannopoulos were accused of using “forced labor and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment” after deciding to launch the streaming service app YZYVSN to compete with Tidal, Spotify and Apple Music.

The duo reportedly brought in an international developer group to work on the app because West didn't want to pay major platforms to promote his albums “Vultures 1” and “Vultures 2.”

The group included several Black members and underage teenagers who mostly worked remotely and communicated with West and Yiannopoulos via Zoom, Discord and Slack.

According to the complaint, Yiannopoulos had promised to pay $120,000 once work on the app was completed. However, things took a turn for the worse when West demanded that they sign a confidentiality agreement and threatened to fire them if they didn't.

There were also allegations that West's white managers made racist remarks about the miners, calling them “slaves” and “new slaves.”

Kanye West and Wife Bianca Censori Step Out in Bizarre Outfits for Sunday ServiceKanye West and Wife Bianca Censori Step Out in Bizarre Outfits for Sunday Service

Kanye West and Wife Bianca Censori Step Out in Bizarre Outfits for Sunday Service

The complaint, filed in U.S. district court, also accuses Censori of sending an employee a link to “hardcore” sexual content that would have been accessible to underage employees.

It is written, according to the Washington Post“No safeguards were put in place to prevent minors at YZYVSN from working on Yeezy Porn, or to prevent them from being exposed to and forced to watch pornography in order to perform their work.”

Although Censori is not named as a defendant, the inclusion of her name in the lawsuit raised eyebrows and also prompted the model to respond to the complaint.

Bianca CensorsBianca Censors

Bianca Censors

Censori has since denied the allegations in a statement to American Weekly by Yiannopoulos.

“I have been authorized by Bianca to point out that any allegation that she showed or caused to be shown pornographic material to minors is offensive, disgusting, abhorrent and categorically and completely false,” West’s former chief of staff told the outlet in a July 2 statement.

Yiannapoulos claimed that the allegations against Censori are based on “the most tragic and thirsty lie imaginable” because Yeezy Porn allegedly does not exist.

“I made sure of that by falling on my sword and quitting because of it,” he added, referring to his decision to resign from West’s team in May after the rapper announced plans to launch Yeezy Porn.




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