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Amidst the viruses, Christians around the world are celebrating Easter like everyone else with instant news


Archbishop Timothy Dolan, on the right, gave his sermon on empty benches as he commanded the Easter Mass at St. Cathedral. Patrick is in New York, Sunday, April 12, 2020. Because of fears of a coronavirus, no gathering was allowed to attend a mass but it was broadcast live on a local TV station. Less
Archbishop Timothy Dolan, on the right, delivered his sermon on empty benches as he commanded the Easter Mass at St. Cathedral. Patrick is in New York, Sunday, April 12, 2020. Because of fears of the coronavirus, there was no group. … Furthermore it

Photo: Seth Wing, AP

Archbishop Timothy Dolan, on the right, gave his sermon on empty benches as he commanded the Easter Mass at St. Cathedral. Patrick is in New York, Sunday, April 12, 2020. Because of fears of a coronavirus, no gathering was allowed to attend a mass but it was broadcast live on a local TV station. Less
Archbishop Timothy Dolan, on the right, delivered his sermon on empty benches as he commanded the Easter Mass at St. Cathedral. Patrick is in New York, Sunday, April 12, 2020. Because of fears of the coronavirus, there was no group. … Furthermore it

Photo: Seth Wing, AP

Amid the viruses, Christians in the world celebrate Easter just like everyone else

New York, United States (CNN) – Christians around the world are celebrating Easter isolated in their homes due to coronaviruses, while priests preach good news about the resurrection of Christ on empty seats. One Florida church attracts many visitors to park parking.

In Britain, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the first major global leader who tested positive for HIV, was released from a hospital in London a week later where he spent some time in the intensive care unit and was given oxygen at some point. He thanked the nurses, who had stood beside his bed for 48 hours, “when things were going well.”

Easter strangeness is clearly seen in the Vatican. St. Peter’s Square, where tens of thousands of people usually gather to hear Pope Francis, empty of the crowd, surrounded by police barricades. Francis celebrated the Easter Mass in a largely empty cathedral,

In his speech, the Pope called for global solidarity to confront the “great challenge” of the epidemic. He urged political leaders to give hope and opportunity to millions of people who have been laid off.

All over the world, families who usually attend the church will sit at the best Easter celebrations and then gather for a festive meal at home. Police checkpoints in Europe and outside closed churches elsewhere leave their believers little choice in worship other than watching services online or on TV.

In the United States, some pastors pledge to continue direct service despite state or local restrictions on large congregations.

At the Happy Bible Church in Bradenton, Florida, about 100 cars carrying 250 people gathered in the parking lot to hear Bill Bailey sermon on Easter. Some people sit on garden chairs or on the back door, but families live at least 6 feet away; people in their cars have been screaming from time to time to express their approval of Pelly’s statement.

President Donald Trump and his wife, Melania, plan to watch online services led by Reverend Robert Jeffreys of the Southern Baptist Church in South Dallas, the first Baptist of Dallas. The priest, a loyal ally of the president, mentioned Trump in his remarks,

“We will overcome this crisis with strong leadership and the continuing strength of God,” said Jefferson.

In their Easter message, Trump praises medical professionals, first responders, and other important workers who fight to fight the epidemic.

In New York City, now centered in the United States, church members from all over the city sing “Christ, God Shines Today” from their porches and windows.

“Even if you don’t hear everyone, God hears everyone,” said Cathy Keeler, of Presbyterian Presbyterian Church, who helped organize the event online.

In Europe, the country uses roadblocks, fines, and other tactics to prevent people from traveling over the Easter weekend in beautiful spring weather.

The Italian government said that a weekend police patrol resulted in the punishment of more than 12,500 people and 150 facing criminal charges for allegedly violating the lock.

On the expectations side, officials said that Italy recorded the lowest number of new coronavirus victims in three weeks, killing 431 people on the last day, bringing the total number to 19899. It is the lowest daily sacrifice since March 19.

As severely affected countries such as Italy and Spain see a decline in viral infections and daily deaths, economic pressure is mounting to ease the severe restrictions on daily life.

Southern Europe and the United States, which have recorded more than 20,600 deaths worldwide, are now the focal point of the latest epidemic. But the coronavirus hotspot turned, with anxiety growing in Japan, Turkey and Britain, where the death toll reached 10,000.

Uncertainty appeared in the next few months, as a senior European Union official suggested that people postpone the development of summer vacation plans.

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier told his countryman in a speech rarely aired on TV: “Each of you has radically changed his life. Each of you saved lives by doing this and saving more every day.”

Some European countries have taken initial steps to ease their closure. Spain, which announced on Sunday the lowest daily infection growth in three weeks, will allow workers in some non-core industries to return to factories and construction sites on Monday.

Churches in Spain ring their bells during the day to echo the Pope’s message of condolences to the victims of the epidemic and to offer hope.

For most people, coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. But for others, especially the elderly and the sick, it can cause severe symptoms and even death.

More than 1.79 million injuries have been reported and 110,000 people have died worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. The United States has the largest number of cases, with more than 530,000 confirmed cases. These numbers clearly reduce the actual number and number of victims of the epidemic, due to limited tests, the uneven number of deaths and the desire of some governments to limit the prevalence.

While some countries are considering pandemic exit strategies, others are dealing with an alarming increase in injuries or deaths.

Turkey surprised many people on Friday night by imposing a 48-hour curfew in 31 cities, including Ankara and Istanbul, which prompted the rush to the grocery store. The country previously imposed a curfew on those under the age of 20 and over 65, freeing most of the workforce in its besieged economy.

In the UK, where the death toll exceeds 10,000, Johnson emotionally praises the National Health Service worker who took care of him before his release on Sunday from St Hospital. Thomas. A week in the hospital including three nights in the intensive care unit.

“I cannot thank them enough. Johnson, 55, said in his first public statement since he was transferred from intensive care on Thursday:“ I owe them my life. ”His office said he would continue to recover in Checkers, the prime minister’s home.

In the United States, about half of all deaths are in the New York metropolitan area, but hospitalization is slowing in the state and other indications are that the padlock and social distance “level the curve” of infection.

Anthony Fossey, the chief infectious disease expert in the United States, said the economy in some parts of the country might be allowed to reopen early next month.

While he said that no light switches would be clicked to reverse everything, but he told CNN “Union Status” that “re-entry” would be necessary based on the epidemiological situation in different parts of the country.

New York Governor Andrew Como announced that 758 people were killed in the state on Saturday, the sixth day in a row, totaling 700. This has increased the total number of virus-related deaths in New York to 9,385.


Winfield reports from Rome. Associated Press correspondents around the world contribute.


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