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President Joko Widodo receives credentials from 9 ambassadors from friendly countries


Tribunnews reporter, Taufik Ismail

TRIBUNNEWS. COM, JAKARTA – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received the credentials of nine Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (LBBP) from friendly countries.

The Credentials Delivery took place in the Credentials Hall, Merdeka Palace, Jakarta on Monday, 10/25/2021.

The procession for the presentation of the credentials began with the interpretation of the national anthems of each friendly country after the arrival of the ambassadors at the Merdeka Palace.

The ninth Ambassadors of the Sahabat Countries received by the President are:

1. Usman Ari Ogah, Ambassador of the LBBP of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the Republic of Indonesia;
2. Rut Krüger Giverin, Ambassador of the Royal Norwegian LBBP in the Republic of Indonesia;
3. Ina Ruth Luise Lepel, LBBP Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Republic of Indonesia;
4. Kevin Jeffery Burnett, Ambassador of the New Zealand LBBP to the Republic of Indonesia;
5. Ahmed Abdulla Ahmed Alharmasi Alhajeri; Ambassador of the LBBP Kingdom of Bahrain in the Republic of Indonesia;
6. Filomeno Aleixo Da Cruz, Ambassador of the LBBP of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste in the Republic of Indonesia;
7. Lilla Karsay, Ambassador of LBBP Hungary to the Republic of Indonesia;
8. Vasyl Hamianin, Ambassador of LBBP Ukraine in the Republic of Indonesia; and
9. Maria João Falcão Poppe Lopes Cardoso, Ambassador of LBBP Portugal in the Republic of Indonesia

A number of health protocols have been implemented in the process of issuing identifiers, such as maintaining social distancing and wearing masks.

Read also : Jokowi to inaugurate Fajroel Rachman as Ambassador of Kazakhstan at State Palace

The presentation of the credentials marked the start of the Ambassador’s official mission to Indonesia. All these ambassadors will then be domiciled in Indonesia (Jakarta).

After handing over the credentials to President Joko Widodo, the Ambassadors and their respective companions said goodbye to each other.

Indonesia’s national anthem Raya was also played on the occasion.

Also present on the occasion were Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Head of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono, Military Secretary to President Marsda TNI Mr. Tony Harjono, Major General Paspampres Tri Budi Utomo, and Director General of Protocol and Consular Affairs / KPN Ministry Abroad, Andy Rachmianto.




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