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A rare demonstration criticizes the Chinese president a few days before the congress of the Communist Party

A rare demonstration criticizes the Chinese president a few days before the congress of the Communist Party


A rare protest calling for the overthrow of Chinese President Xi Jinping was staged in the country’s capital on Thursday, days before the start of the Communist Party Congress, which is expected to cement his rule for an unprecedented third term.

As plumes of black smoke rose from the Sitong Bridge in northwest Beijing, white banners hung overhead with red writing criticizing the tough policies of Xi and his government, photos and videos posted on Twitter and verified by NBC News.

A banner called Xi a dictator and traitor to the country and demanded his removal. She also called for strikes.

A second said: No more PCR tests, we want to eat; No more lockdowns, we want freedom, alluding to the policy that Chinese authorities say has kept coronavirus cases and deaths far lower than in other countries and is needed to prevent the health system from failing. be submerged.

Critics say the lockdowns, which have affected tens of millions of people, have hurt the world’s second-largest economy and made travel uncertain. Small protests and confrontations with the authorities have taken place in the past, in several cities where closures have been imposed.

More leaders, we want votes; No more lies, we want dignity, was among other demands on this banner.

Don’t be slaves, be citizens, a third party said.

A scorched pavement is seen on a highway overpass where social media videos emerged earlier showing smoke and protest banners in Beijing on Thursday. Dake Kang/AP

Separate video footage posted to Twitter and verified by NBC News showed firefighters arriving at the scene where they removed the streamers and extinguished what appeared to be burning boxes.

Authorities in Haidian district, where the Sitong Bridge is located, said they were unaware of the incident when called by NBC News.

According to the Associated Press, dozens of police moved through the area, entering stores and sometimes arresting and questioning pedestrians.

It was unclear who might have hung the banners or when they were placed, but public dissent is rare in China, where rights groups have warned in recent years against the arbitrary detention of human rights activists. man, lawyers and journalists.

Posts containing the Beijing or Haidian hashtags were quickly blocked on Weibo, the popular microblogging site in China similar to Twitter.

Others told the AP that their Twitter accounts were temporarily disabled on another major Chinese platform, WeChat, after they shared photos of the incident. A song named Sitong Bridge, the name of the section of elevated roadway where the incident is believed to have occurred, has been removed from online music platforms.

Security in Beijing is extremely tight ahead of the ruling Communist Party’s five-year congress, which is due to open on Sunday.

Mainly taking place behind closed doors in the Great Hall of the People on the west side of Tiananmen Square in central Beijing, it usually lasts around a week.

Xi, who came to power in 2012, is set to receive a third five-year term as party leader at the end of the congress, cementing his place as the country’s most powerful leader in decades.

Dawn Liu contributed.




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