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Reviews | Donald Trump’s legal troubles are not over. Indictments are likely.

Reviews |  Donald Trump’s legal troubles are not over.  Indictments are likely.


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Welcome to this week’s newsletter, where I highlight some critical stories, spot the Distinguished Person of the Week, and share something outside of politics and politics.

Defeated former President Donald Trump, already indicted in New York for falsifying business records, will likely face state criminal charges in Georgia over the fake voter scheme and his attempt to compel state officials to find just enough votes to re-elect him. Perhaps even sooner, he should expect federal charges based on his willful withholding of highly sensitive national security documents and obstruction of justice. And sooner or later, he’ll almost certainly be charged in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, uprising. (If Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes turned 18, it’s hard to leave the guy who summoned his supporters to the National Mall get away with it.) That leaves two questions: What problems is Trump really in? Would the GOP really appoint someone facing multiple indictments?

Trump’s troubles: Media suggests special counsel Jack Smith is weeks, if not days, away from indicting Trump for serious crimes related to the Mar-a-Lago documents case thanks to his own confessions Trump’s public and an extraordinary number of his own attorneys now cooperating with the Justice Department.

Follow the opinion of the authorJennifer Rubin

At his recent town hall on CNN, Trump bragged, I was there, and I took what I took and it was declassified. This confirms that he deliberately took documents he knew were classified. That he mistakenly imagined that he could magically declassify them after leaving office does not exonerate him. His assertion that he had the absolute right to take them goes both to his intent and to his motive for withholding them (mine!). Unless anyone doubted his intention, he insisted, when we left Washington, we had lined the boxes on the sidewalk outside for everyone. People take pictures of them. Everyone knew we were taking those boxes.

In addition to these admissions, the Guardian reported this week that Trump’s lawyer, Evan Corcoran, was ordered to search the storage room because that was where all the documents that had been brought from the House Blanche at the end of Trump’s presidency had ended up being deposed. But he was fired after asking if he should look elsewhere. Corcoran never sought [Trumps] office and told prosecutors that the 38 documents represented the extent of the material at Mar-a-Lago.

The FBI then found more than 100 classified documents, many of them in Trump’s office. Trump’s team denies the allegations, but direct evidence that Trump deliberately misled investigators has been mounting. Additionally, Trump’s aides moved boxes days before the FBI visited him to collect subpoenaed documents, according to reports from The Posts, and even held a dress rehearsal to move documents.

If you report that Trump enjoyed showing the documents to visitors, Smith appears to have substantial evidence of Trump’s intent to violate the Espionage Act and a separate obstruction charge (an aggravating factor that makes the act of accusation more likely). The narrative Smith pieced together bears no comparison to President Bidens, former Vice President Mike Pences and other politicians who innocently kept a few misplaced documents. Trump faces an imminent and compelling federal indictment for serious crimes.

Republican Denial: Like many of you, I have a hard time understanding the idea that voters in the MAGA primary are so shielded from reality by the right-wing media propaganda machine that they would vote for a man accused of trying to overthrow the government and who was tried civilly as a liar and sexual aggressor in the E. Jean Carroll case. Well, if they stayed with him past January 6, 2021, I guess the slew of indictments that follow probably won’t matter to them. Even if he racked up more indictments, these would simply be proof of the elite vendetta against Trump!

Unfortunately, millions of people will vote for him even if they recognize that he violated the Constitution and betrayed his office. For them, I’m in for the tax cuts or But the Great Replacement provide enough justification to elect a dangerous, vengeful, and utterly unfit candidate. Others afflicted with right-wing media-induced delusions will go to their graves convinced that Trump is a victim.

Democracy remains in jeopardy as tens of millions deliberately encourage the return to power of deranged authoritarians.

Distinguished person of the week

Some graduation speakers are a bust. Some are fine. But a few are truly rising to the occasion and inspiring others. In the latter category, former Congresswoman and Vice Chair of the Jan. 6 Select Committee Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) gave a memorable speech to the graduating class at Colorado College.

Speaking from personal experience and with substantial moral authority, she told the audience: You may find yourself facing challenges you could not have imagined, with very few allies on your side. She told them her secret: when the path ahead is dark and unclear, you can find your way by resolving to do the next right thing. Decide to do what’s right, even when it’s hard, when you’re alone, even when you’re scared, especially when you’re scared. And boy, did she decide to do the right thing.

She confirmed that her party demanded that she accept the big lie as the price to retain her leadership position. She refused. America cannot remain a free nation if we give up the truth. As you go out to change the world, decide that you will stay in the truth, she said.

In an interesting departure from GOP orthodoxy, she also denounced her party’s voter suppression tactics. Pointing to remarks by Trump lawyer Cleta Mitchells urging Republicans to try to curb the college vote, Cheney said, Those who try to unravel the foundations of our republic, which threaten the rule of law and the sanctity of our elections, know that they cannot succeed if you vote. She added: So class of 2023, get out there and vote. Enjoy:

.@Liz_Cheney: “No party, no nation, no people can defend and perpetuate a constitutional republic if it accepts leaders who have gone to war against the rule of law, against the democratic process, against the Constitution itself

— Republican Accountability (@AccountableGOP) May 29, 2023

One can be cynical about Cheney’s past opposition to suffrage measures, but give him credit for some intellectual growth. As someone who came to see the connection between democracy and suffrage, she would make a great vote organizer for Team Biden if Trump wins the GOP nomination.

It’s time for the summer reading list. (Suggestions are welcome!) Some of my recommendations are recent versions; others that I have just read recently. Here is my list of non-fiction; next week I’ll share my fictional favorites.

Jennie: The Life of Lady Randolph Churchill, by Ralph Martin: The Definitive Biography of One British Political Leader’s Wife and Another’s Mother tells the compelling story of a woman decades ahead of her time who forged her own identity and led the men she loved to greatness.

And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle: Jon Meachams’ fascinating study of a politician who showed that morality and politics intertwine, even in an age of rampant racism and know-nothing parallel to our current politics.

Civil Rights Queen: Constance Baker Motley and the Struggle for Equality, by Tomiko Brown-Nagin: The inspiring biography of a civil rights icon who fought both racism and sexism as a lawyer and then a judge (the first African-American woman appointed to the federal bench) reflects on some of the legal highlights of the civil rights movement.

A Fever in the Heartland: The Ku Klux Klans Plot to Take Over America, and the Woman Who Stopped Them, by Timothy Egan Fascist Movement.

Privileged Son: Otis Chandler And The Rise And Fall Of The LA Times Dynasty, by Dennis McDougal: This book will delight anyone who loves Los Angeles or newspapers.

Citizens of London: The Americans Who Stood with Britain in Its Darkest, Finest Hour: Lynne Olsons, captivating on the story of three Americans in England (Edward R. Murrow, Averell Harriman and John Gilbert Winant) who played a crucial role in the creation of the Atlantic Alliance gives a real sense of what it was like to experience the Blitz.

Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland, by Patrick Radden Keefe: A thoroughly gripping account of a murder, it changes the way you perceive the horrific cycle of violence and retaliation of the time.

Every Wednesday at noon, I host a live Q&A with readers. Read a transcript of this week’s Q&A or submit a question for the next one.

Michael Bacon: What is Ron DeSantis’ problem with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)? This is simply the golden rule put into practice. Those of us with a Christian upbringing learned the rule in Sunday school if we didn’t teach it at home (or the Methodists did, anyway). Did DeSantis (a Catholic) miss the shot? Other religions have a similar teaching on being kind to strangers.

This clip is based on the song All Gods Creatures Have a Place in the Choir. It can help us see that the world could be a happier place if we all just worked on our attitudes. If the governor looked at him, I sent it to him, maybe he would relax.

Jennifer Rubin: When you pander to white nationalists who want to redefine America, diversity, equity and inclusion are fighting words. Whether DeSantis believes in what he’s selling is irrelevant. He saw the radicalized base of the GOPs descend into white nationalism, toxic masculinity, ignorance and denial of science. He has every intention of flattering the worst character traits of these voters.




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