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The decision of the Constitutional Court and the fall of Joko Widodo

The decision of the Constitutional Court and the fall of Joko Widodo


JAKARTA (TEROPONGSENAYAN) — The decision of the Constitutional Court and the fall of Joko Widodo are two things that can be called cause and effect.

The decision of the Constitutional Court in the presidential election trial will be the cause and cause of the emergence of an even greater movement, if only for one reason or another, under pressure from the Palace.

The palace is determined to let Gibran go even though he violated the constitution and the law. Decision number 90, which caused the President of the Constitutional Court to fall from his chair, was under pressure from the Palace. Although in the end, Uncle Usman disappeared from the President's chair. Decision number 90 damages: the law, the constitution and the law. Even the decision is morally and ethically wrong.

The Constitutional Court's decision caused national political upheaval and public outcry, as it resulted in a legal and political disaster.

This decision makes Gibran's vice-presidential candidate an illegitimate child of the Constitution. The Constitutional Court must overturn the decision by discussing Joko Widodo's son Gibran.

With Gibran qualified as a vice presidential candidate, President Joko Widodo mobilized all the power and abilities he had as president and head of government, doing everything he could to win over his son. Gibran became a player of his father's power. Joko Widodo.

With the power and political power held by Joko Widodo. All were mobilized by the power structure that led them: Minister. Governors, regional chiefs up to Lurah and village chief levels.

The APBN budget was also diverted to fund social assistance, as Anthony Budiawan told the court session presided over by Suhartoyo.

Professor Magnis Suseno also considers President Joko's actions to be those of the mafia. because it is considered a theft of social assistance which is the right of the poor for political interests and power.

As a result of all this, tens of millions of votes have accumulated, considered valid votes to win the 2024 presidential election.

How can the victory be considered valid if the people's vote was obtained by abusing power, systematically breaking the law and intimidating voters?

The KPU, Bawaslu and DKPP also appear to be Palace-led Tims. All three were powerless in the face of their trial before a Constitutional Court judge. And all this fraud, naked in the public eye. The public also knows that all fraud is proven.

The Sirekap system and the computer system were also exposed by experts and experts presented by the Applicant.

Even though many ministers were present, on the orders of the President, the politicization of Social Assistance cannot be denied.

If the Constitutional Court does not overturn Gibran, who is an illegitimate child of the Constitution. And by overturning the fraudulent presidential election results by the KPU, the Constitutional Court will be the cause that will trigger a continuous People's Movement and become a Revolutionary Wave.

Because the people will certainly conclude that the Constitutional Court did not rule in accordance with the facts of the trial. The public knows the facts of the trial: the KPU, Bawaslu and the DKPP did not move in court and the related parties, namely candidate 02, could not argue convincingly against the court judge.

The strength of the masses who led waves and volumes of action by the KPU, Bawaslu, DPR and MK will continue their action without stopping until the fall of Joko Widodo.

Because the people came to the conclusion, all the damage: ethics, morals, laws, the Constitution and laws, even popular sovereignty and democracy were also destroyed because of Joko's arbitrary and arbitrary power Widodo.

Joko Widodo has become a tyrant and an authoritarian and anti-democratic and anti-people-sovereignty leader.

Joko Widodo has become a common enemy. The MP's bad decision will make Joko Widodo the enemy and the anger of the people.

The MP's poor decision was the cause and effect of the fall of the authoritarian and despotic power of Joko Widodo and his acolytes.

If the power of a regime ignores the voice of the people. Its fall is only a matter of days. The Constitutional Court can accelerate or slow down Joko Widodo's fall from power.

Moreover, the figures who helped elevate Joko Widodo during this era are busy opposing and opposing him. Likewise, the academic community of the different campuses.

The campus as an intellectual and moral base also came to the fore. No matter how great this power is, if it is maintained by false and illegitimate means, violating the constitution and ignoring democracy, it will also fall.

Several Indonesian presidents overthrown by popular power should serve as a lesson. Do not insult or ignore the Voice of the People.

A tsunami of people power will descend if the current wave of popular voices is ignored.

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