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Jokowi determines 14 new national strategic projects, there are PIK and BSD

Jokowi determines 14 new national strategic projects, there are PIK and BSD


JakartaThe government has determined 14 new national strategic projects (PSN). This was decided at an internal meeting chaired directly by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and attended by relevant ministers at the State Palace on March 18, 2024.

Head of the Communication Office of Information and Conference Services of the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, Haryo, said that all the new PSN that was approved, all the financing came from private investors and did not require the support of the APBN.

“Apart from this, it also aims to support policies to accelerate downstream, support connectivity, support national and regional economic development and equality, create jobs and gain support from sectoral ministries “, Haryo said in his official statement on March 25, 2024.

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The development of the 14 new PSNs was carried out in a number of regions, namely Riau Islands, Banten Islands, DKI Jakarta, West Java, East Java, East Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi. Covering development in various sectors, the 14 new PSNs include 8 industrial zones, 2 tourism zones, 2 toll roads, 1 education, research and technology zone, a health zone and 1 offshore oil and gas project.

One of the new PSNs developed by the government, namely DevelopmentGreen zoneAndEco cityon the PIK 2 site located in the province of Banten. The regional green development with an area of ​​approximately 1,756 hectares is calledTropical coast»and aims to be a new green tourist destination in order to improveattractionfor tourists.

This tourist destination is also designed to accommodate the mangrove tourism zone which is a natural coastal protection mechanism. This project with an investment value of around IDR 65 trillion is expected to absorb around 6,235 direct workers and 13,550 workers with a multiplier effect. The PIK 2 zone will then be connected to the Kamal-Teluknaga-Rajeg toll road, which was commissioned in 2023.

Development project Green zone And Eco city This is supported directly by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, considering that the proposed location is very strategic as it is close to the Seribu Islands National Strategic Tourism Zone (KSPN) and the old town of Sunda Kelapa , it can open doors for business and investment. opportunities, as well as creating jobs for the people of Banten province and surrounding areas.

Furthermore, the development of tourism and the creative economy in the PIK 2 zone Tropical coast financed with funds from non-APBN sources, as well as a commitment from the proposing commercial entity to carry out the development in stages in accordance with the plan opening Phase I includes lakes and places of worship as tourist destinations in Taman Bhineka no later than the third quarter of 2024.

Apart from this, the government will develop a new PSN, namely the development of the Bumi Serpong Damai Integrated Area, which is expected to absorb investments of IDR 18.54 trillion. This project is supported by the Minister of Health who issued a letter of recommendation for the development of special economic zones in the urban area of ​​BSD.

The development of the Bumi Serpong Damai Integrated Area is not carried out in the entire BSD area, but only in an area of ​​approximately 59.6 hectares. The development of the area will be focused on education – Biomedical Digital.

This project is part of the development plan Biomedical Campus Integrated into this area to support programs aimed at developing the quality of education and the quality of health (medical) care nationally.

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Later, this area will also be transformed into a special economic zone (KEK) which will develop education, health research, digital economy, technological development, health and biomedical services.

For the development Biomedical field in BSD it is targeted for the next 30 years. The first step in 2024 is that there will be Inauguration of the biomedical campus in 2024. In addition, the area under preparation under the name KEK 1 (eastern district) is currently bypassed by the Serpong Balaraja toll road and the KEK 2 zone (western district) will also be used by section 1B of the Serpong Balaraja toll road.

It is also estimated that this project will be able to absorb a workforce of 10,065 people directly and indirectly with foreign exchange savings estimated at IDR 10.1 trillion and foreign exchange earnings of IDR 5.6 trillion from the development of health services and Biomedical.

Editor: Galih Pratama




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