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Mexican Presidents' Treatment of Biden Shows How Weak America Seems

Mexican Presidents' Treatment of Biden Shows How Weak America Seems


Mexico joins the list of countries that believe they can spit in President Joe Biden's face and get away with it.

In a interview with 60 minutes On Sunday, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador elaborated on the outrageous demands he made of Biden that would harm U.S. interests.

These demands include the United States paying Latin America $20 billion a year, lifting sanctions on Venezuela, ending the embargo on Cuba, and legalizing millions of Mexicans who have illegally entered by force in the United States. If the Biden administration refuses to comply, the flow of migrants will continue.

López Obrador also said he would not establish contact or communication with a criminal to tell the cartels trafficking fentanyl across the U.S. border to stop it, because you cannot negotiate with criminals.

On Tuesday, the Mexican government issued a statement saying it refuses to take back illegal immigrants deported by Texas “under any circumstances.”

This explicit display of defiance toward the United States is a growing trend among world leaders from weaker countries who feel bold enough to act against American interests due to Biden's incompetence.

The latest example dates back to February, when Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro decided to refuse the US request to return its illegal immigrants to their country of origin. Many Venezuelan prisons have been emptied of criminals who were seen crossing the border. Venezuela doesn't want them to come back.

Shortly before, Russian President Vladimir Putin mocked Biden for supporting him because he said Biden was predictably passive on foreign policy. Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan gave Russia confidence that it could invade Ukraine with relatively little resistance from Russia.

Even our greatest allies consider us a joke. At a 2021 G7 conference, Biden confidently told British Prime Minister Boris Johnson that he had failed to introduce the president of South Africa even though he had done so just seconds before . Laugh to Biden from world leaders followed.

Despite this, it doesn't matter what other nations think of us, as long as they respect our power. Exercising power effectively gives the leader authority, and not just that power. Former President Donald Trump was often criticized by world leaders, but they respected him nonetheless.

For example, Trump is threatening to abandon NATO because America is pulling its weight. obliged each member to increase their GDP spending to get closer to the required 2%. Before his tenure, only three members paid 2%. After his term, 10 members paid 2%.


Only with repeated incompetence does the world's negative view of America become a problem. This gives countries the green light to start taking actions that benefit them and cost us even more.

The Biden administration is completely incapable of pursuing effective power policy, and global and domestic stability will continue to deteriorate because of it.

Parker Miller is a 2024 Washington Examiners Winter Scholar.




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