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Jokowi: All regional road repairs will be checked

Jokowi: All regional road repairs will be checked


President Joko Widodo signed a plaque during the inauguration of regional road repairs under the Regional Road Inpres program in Banggai Kepulauan District, Central Sulawesi, Tuesday (26/3/2024).  It rained during the inauguration, so Minister of Public Works and Housing Basuki Hadimuljono (right with hat) and presidential security force officers (left) sheltered President Jokowi.

President Joko Widodo signed a plaque during the inauguration of regional road repairs under the Regional Road Inpres program in Banggai Kepulauan District, Central Sulawesi, Tuesday (26/3/2024). It rained during the inauguration, so Minister of Public Works and Housing Basuki Hadimuljono (right with hat) and presidential security force officers (left) sheltered President Jokowi.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS President Joko Widodo assures that the quality of all regional road repairs funded by the state revenue and expenditure budget will be monitored. Road improvements are also expected to support community connectivity in a number of areas across the archipelago.

In Central Sulawesi, regional road improvements under the Inpres Regional Roads (IJD) program were carried out on 15 road sections spanning 147 kilometers. The roads that were repaired at a cost of IDR 330 billion are in nine districts/cities.

“I think it's not only here, it's the same in other provinces too. “We will check all implementations related to regional roads,” President Jokowi told reporters in Pasar Salakan, Banggai Islands, Central Sulawesi, Tuesday (26/3/2024).

The President is accompanied during this working visit by Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Deputy Governor of Central Sulawesi Ma'mun Amir and Regent Par Acting Banggai Islands. Ihsan Basir.

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Before visiting Salakan Market, the President inaugurated regional roads that had been repaired under the IJD program in Central Sulawesi. The inauguration of the road developments was marked by the signing of an inscription by President Jokowi. During the signing, it was pouring rain. Basuki also held an umbrella when President Jokowi signed the inscription.

I think it's not just here, it's the same thing in other provinces as well. We will check all implementation related to regional roads.

President Joko Widodo inaugurated the improvement of regional roads through the Regional Road Inpres program in Banggai Kepulauan Regency, Central Sulawesi, Tuesday (26/3/2024).

President Joko Widodo inaugurated the improvement of regional roads through the Regional Road Inpres program in Banggai Kepulauan Regency, Central Sulawesi, Tuesday (26/3/2024).

Without fear of falling

According to local resident Reynold, improving the roads will be very beneficial. Because before, the road was potholed and drivers could fall if they got stuck.

“With the existence of this road, it could be something extraordinary for us, the people of Banggai Islands Regency, because we can use this road well without fear of falling,” said Reynold, who is currently still a student.

The existence of this road can be something extraordinary for us residents of Banggai Islands Regency because we can use it properly without fear of falling.

Another student, Joshua, added that improving roads increases safety and comfort, especially for motorcyclists. “This road helps us because it was a little difficult. With the existence of this road (repaired), we all may have become safer,” Joshua said.

“Currently, IJD 2023 is in the community use period. “Therefore, we hope that once it is completed, connectivity will improve, it can reduce the price of goods and make people's products more competitive on the market”, he declared. in a press release received by the daily CompassMarch 20, 2024.

One of the roads being repaired under the Regional Road Inpres program in North Sulawesi.  President Joko Widodo inaugurated on Friday (23/2/2024) nine regional roads in North Sulawesi which were repaired using the state budget.

One of the roads being repaired under the Regional Road Inpres program in North Sulawesi. President Joko Widodo inaugurated on Friday (23/2/2024) nine regional roads in North Sulawesi which were repaired using the state budget.

The people of the Banggai Islands welcomed the presence of President Jokowi in their region. Christian, one of the residents, expressed his gratitude and appreciation because the president visited his hometown.

President Jokowi began a two-day working visit to several regencies/cities in Central Sulawesi with a trip from Halim Perdanakusuma Air Base, Jakarta, at 6:50 a.m. on Tuesday. Using the presidential plane, the President traveled to Syukuran Aminuddin Amir Airport in Banggai Regency. Here, President Jokowi continued his journey using a TNI AU Super Puma helicopter to Banggai Islands Regency.

The people of the Banggai Islands welcomed the presence of President Jokowi in their region. Christian, one of the residents, expressed his gratitude and appreciation because the president visited his hometown.

At Bukit Trikora Heliport in Banggai Islands Regency, President Jokowi was welcomed by Acting Regent of Banggai Islands Ihsan Basir, Chairman of the Banggai Islands Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) Rusdin Sinaling, Chief of the Banggai Islands Police, Deputy Chief Superintendent Jimmy Marthin Simanjuntak and Commander of Luwuk Banggai Military District 1308, Inf Lt. Col. Hermanto.

President Joko Widodo was greeted with a traditional dance upon his arrival in Banggai Islands Regency to inaugurate the regional road improvement project as part of the presidential instruction on regional roads, Tuesday (26/3/2024 ).

President Joko Widodo was greeted with a traditional dance upon his arrival in Banggai Islands Regency to inaugurate the regional road improvement project as part of the presidential instruction on regional roads, Tuesday (26/3/2024 ).

The islands extend their congratulations on the arrival of Mr. Ir H Joko Widodo. Defend unity and solidarity so that our region is safe towards the creation of prosperity and well-being for the population.

After getting off the helicopter, President Jokowi received a traditional Banggai Islands hat and welcome greetings from local traditional leader Marwan Bidalo. Tabea yo guns mantabea Women Minangkung I bought doi sosa Ir H Joko Widodo. Mai na pomenggonnoa na konggolio ko tano mangallis kolipu namolino ko tuban (A thousand sorry Basalo Tinangkung, on behalf of the people of the Banggai Islands, congratulates you on the arrival of Mr. Ir H Joko Widodo. Maintain unity and integrity so that our region is safe towards creating prosperity and welfare of the people),” he said.

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President Jokowi, who initially intended to travel in a vehicle, changed his mind. The community welcomed and shouted: “Pak Jokowi…Pak President”. Seeing the community's enthusiasm, President Jokowi decided to get out of his car and approach the people. The head of state greeted the residents and also distributed t-shirts.

After inaugurating the repair of a regional road and reviewing the prices and availability of basic commodities on the market, the President continued his working visit to the city of Palu. From Syukuran Aminuddin Amir Airport in Banggai, the President took off for SIS Al-Jufri Pearl Airport in Palu city.

The Head of State will also inaugurate the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Mutiara SIS Al-Jufri Airport and several other airports. In Palu, the President will also inaugurate the building of the Anutapura Medical Center (AMC) at the Anutapura Regional General Hospital, in the city of Palu, as well as several other infrastructures.




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