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PM Modi holds talks with TN Sarasu, BJP candidate from Keralas Alathur

PM Modi holds talks with TN Sarasu, BJP candidate from Keralas Alathur


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday spoke to selected candidates of the Bharatiya Janata Party, including TN Sarasu, who was fielded from Alathur constituency in Kerala.

During his telephonic conversation with Modi, Sarasu, a retired university principal, raised the issue of alleged irregularities in the state's cooperative banks and sought his intervention.

The Prime Minister assured him that strict action would be taken against those found guilty of this scam.

“I am happy that as a candidate you are taking up the issue of the common man. This is a good thing for any civil servant. I am happy to hear that you are raising the issue,” Modi told Sarasu.

“Our government will take strict action against all those involved and we will ensure that the poor get justice. One more thing, Sarasu ji, I would like to tell you that I will take legal advice and (ensure that) whatever the property of the Director General “(Law Enforcement Directorate) will attach…the common man's money, I will ensure that every paisa is returned to the person concerned. ” Modi added.

Alleged irregularities in CPI(M)-controlled cooperative banks are a major campaign item for opposition parties in the state. The Law Enforcement Directorate, which is investigating the case, has already arrested a few individuals and questioned local leaders of the ruling party.

One of the major scams was reported at Karuvannur Service Cooperative Bank in Thrissur, a constituency on which the BJP has high hopes.

During their interaction, Sarasu spoke to Modi about her struggles as the principal of Government Victoria College in Palakkad.

“I was trying to do my duty in college. There were left-wing professors in college. They wanted the principal to work according to their wishes. I was not ready for that. I never gave importance to these students or teachers. I was I was a teacher there for 25 years and I worked as a principal for a year,” she said.

Sarasu retired from the prestigious 127-year-old university in 2016. When she retired, activists from the CPI(M) student group SFI reportedly prepared a symbolic 'grave' for her as a 'retirement gift “.

In Alathur, Sarasu will face sitting Congress MP Ramya Haridas and CPI(M) candidate and state devaswom minister K. Radhakrishnan.




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