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PTI rally demands release of Imran Khan

PTI rally demands release of Imran Khan


PTI workers demonstrate to demand the release of the party founder incarcerated in Peshawar on March 31, 2024. INP

PESHAWAR: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Sunday held a protest rally to demand immediate release of party founder Imran Khan and express solidarity with the judiciary.

The call for protest was made by Imran Khan, who is serving a prison term after being found guilty by courts in various cases.

Party president Barrister Gohar Ali Khan led the rally, which was attended by party general secretary Omar Ayub Khan and other leaders including Azam Khan Swati, Sher Afzal Marwat, Faisal Javed and Ali Muhammad Khan .

Members of the KP cabinet, including Food Minister Zahir Shah Toru and other lawmakers, also took part in the protest, which took place in front of the Peshawar Press Club on the busy Sher Road Shah Suri.

Donning party caps, a large number of PTI workers turned up at the protest. They carried party flags and banners inscribed with slogans demanding the release of Imran Khan.

Addressing the activists and supporters of the protesting party, lawyer Gohar claimed that false cases had been filed against Imran Khan. These cases should be quashed as they are driving people away from the state, said the PTI chairman, a lawyer by profession and a native of Buner district of KP.

Gohar was happy with the presence of party activists at the rally and said it proved that the party was popular among the masses. He thanked the party activists for coming out of their homes in Ramazan on the call of the party founder.

Sher Afzal Marwat, another party leader, said the protest organized for the release of the PTI founder and independence of the judiciary would continue. He reiterated the party's claim that the mandate was stolen from the PTI in the February 8 general elections. Leaders and workers will continue the struggle to regain the mandate, he promised while calling the ruling parties thieves.

Marwat alleged that the usurpers had snatched the independence of the judiciary. The PTI will prove to be a bulwark in the fight for independence of the judiciary, he promised while appreciating the six judges of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) for taking a stand against illegal activities.

Marwat claimed that the Islamabad courts punished the PTI founder under pressure in the Toshakhana case. We will announce a nationwide campaign schedule after Eidul Fitr, the PTI leader said.

Another PTI leader, Faisal Javed, said the party activists had proved their loyalty to the party founder by coming on the roads to demand the release of their leader. He said the protest campaign would continue after Eidul Fitr.

Later, protesters marched to the Peshawar High Court, the climax of the protest. A large contingent of policemen had been deployed along the route of the PTI procession on Sher Shah Suri Road.

Vehicular traffic was disrupted as Sher Shah Suri Road is a busy road used by many motorists and commuters along with Saddar Road. Vehicles and motorcyclists remained stranded on Sher Shah Road and Sunehri Masjid Road during the protest.

Police had closed one lane from Sher Shah Suri Road to FC Chowk due to the PTI protest. Traffic was diverted to Saddar Road, but this also caused a disturbance there.




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