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PM Modi jolted by resorting to 'cliché Hindu-Muslim script': Congress

PM Modi jolted by resorting to 'cliché Hindu-Muslim script': Congress


New Delhi: The Congress on Monday slammed Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his remarks on the 'Muslim League' in the party manifesto, saying it was frightened by the prospect of the BJP struggling to cross the 180-seat mark in the Lok Sabha polls. and again resorted to the “same cliché Hindu-Muslim script”.

The opposition party's reaction came a day after Prime Minister Modi launched an attack on the Congress, accusing its election manifesto of bearing the imprint of the Muslim League and its leaders' statements showing hostility to it. respect for national integrity and Sanatan Dharma.

Addressing a press conference at the AICC headquarters, Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate said the BJP was constantly losing ground, which is why the Prime Minister's “love for the Muslim League has rekindled surface”.

She said the Congress manifesto was widely discussed and was a model for the future of the country.

“After being in power for 10 years, when the country is on the verge of elections and the Prime Minister has to show his ballot and ask for votes, he is nervous. He has once again resorted to the same Hindu cliché- Muslim,” she said.

“The Congress manifesto is the voice of India, based on the five pillars of justice. It bears the indelible imprint of the people of the country, it bears the imprint of the expectations, aspirations and challenges of millions of people who met us during this period. the connection between Bharat Jodo Yatra and Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra,” she said.

“It has the imprint of 10 years of broken spirits and the emergence of new hope, it has the imprint of youth, it has the imprint of farmers, it has the imprint of women, it has the imprint of workers, it has the imprint of those people who are on the margins of society and we will ensure their participation and greater representation,” Shrinate said.

Nyay Patra of the Congress has the solution to all the problems that the Modi government has imposed on this country in the last ten years, she said.

“This Nyay Patra is the voice of the people, it is the voice of India,” Shrinate said.

She asserted that the reality is that “Narendra Modi's love for the Muslim League” is not new.

“These are the same people who stood with the British even during the great struggle for independence and left no opportunity to create communal division alongside the Muslim League. Remember, when in 1942, at the call of the Mahatma and during the presidency of Maulana Azad, the country agitated in the “Quit India movement” and had vowed to do or die, Syama Prasad Mookerjee not only led his government in Bengal, and his supporters sharing the same ideas in Sindh and the NWFP in collaboration with the Muslim League, but I was also writing to the British to give them advice on how to suppress this mass movement,” she said.

These people have deep affection, admiration and affiliation with groups like the Muslim League and the British, she said.

The reality is that since the release of the Congress manifesto, there has been panic in the BJP ranks, Shrinate claimed.

“Another big reality is that the BJP's number of seats is decreasing very quickly. The latest polls show that they are struggling to cross the 180 seat mark,” she said.

People also believe that Congress leads by example because today in Himachal Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka, where Congress governments are located, many welfare schemes are run keeping in mind each section of society, he said.

The Congress fulfilled all its guarantees, Shrinate asserted.

“By stealing the word guarantee, no one will listen to you, Modiji. Today, the country is looking for a report on your previous 'jumlas' – so don't get distracted and get ready to pack your bags,” he said. she declared.

(Published April 8, 2024, 08:09 EAST)




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