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Boris Johnson calls on Canadian Conservatives to fight climate change conservatively

Boris Johnson calls on Canadian Conservatives to fight climate change conservatively


Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson calls on Canadian Conservatives to propose a conservative way to fight climate change.

You must show thatthe environmental platform will produce jobs and growth. And if you cannot demonstrate it as conservatives, you will go backwards, he warned from the podium of the Canada Strong and Free Networking Conference Ottawa on Wednesday evening.

The former Downing Street tenant recalled having been a big skeptic of climate change, possibly like many people in this group. I used to write terrible things, he remarked, after scanning the room packed with conservatives of all stripes.

Then, head of the city of London (2008-2016) and of the United Kingdom (2019-2022), Boris Johnson admitted that he had not taken science lessons after the age of 13, to be humble and to believe in the need to fight against greenhouse gases (GHG).

As conservatives, I don't think we can simply say to the public, to young people who really care about this issue, that we judge the wholeof the platform, because let me tell you that the elections are won by the party which really takes ownership of the future, reiterated the champion of Brexit, repeating in the same breath to the conservatives who thirst for power that there is a conservative solution to these dilemmas. People want to see that there is a plan or a program to deal with this problem in a conservative and appropriate way, said the former head of government nicknamed BoJo.

His calls for action were greeted with hushed murmurs and quiet applause by participants of the Canada Strong and Free Networking Conference gathered at the Westin hotel in downtown Ottawa.

They reserved their loudest applause for former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, also present on stage. The latter was sorry to see some people trying to turn the world upside down in order to reduce our emissions. [de GES jusqu] zero on a given date, although it is far from obvious that carbon dioxide produced by humans is the only or even the main factor in the climate.

Support for Ukraine's NATO candidacy

Boris Johnson and Tony Abott, however, agreed to call for an intensification of efforts by the Ukrainians and their allies to repel Russian forces.

Canada has been fantastic so far, Johnson argued. If I had to comment, I think the time has come to adopt an even stronger position, he continued, pointing in particular to Great Britain.

Mr. Johnson said he was convinced that the Ukrainians would do the job and force the Russians to retreat if they have the tools. Let's give them the tools! he exclaimed.

Boris Johnson and Tony Abott also unreservedly supported Ukraine's candidacy for membership in NATO.

They also reiterated their support for the Israeli government, which seeks to put an end to Hamas in the Gaza Strip and author JKRowling, whose positions on gender identity are considered transphobic.

The Canada Strong and Free Networking Conference (formerly Manning Centre) supports the Canadian conservative movement by highlighting, according to its founders, the best ideas favoring limited government intervention, free enterprise, individual responsibility, among other things.

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