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The Apprentice: discover Sebastian Stans, Donald Trump and Jeremy Strongs Roy Cohn in a first image

The Apprentice: discover Sebastian Stans, Donald Trump and Jeremy Strongs Roy Cohn in a first image


Among the many buzzy titles premiering at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival is The Apprentice, a fictional account of Donald Trump's rise in the New York real estate world of the 1970s and 1980s. On Thursday, it was announced that the film would premiere in competition at the 77th edition of the French festival, and the announcement was accompanied by a first photo of Sebastian Stan as the young Trump and Jeremy Strong as Roy Cohn, the New Yorkers. City lawyer who was something of a mentor to the future president.

The Apprentice, which has already created buzz at the Oscars, is a dive into the bowels of the American empire, according to the official newspaper. It charts young Donald Trump's rise to power through a Faustian deal with influential right-wing lawyer and political fixer Roy Cohn. The cast also includes Oscar nominee Maria Bakalova (Borat Subsequent Moviefilm) as Ivana Trump and Martin Donovan (Tenet) as Fred Trump Sr.

Directed by Danish Iranian filmmaker Ali Abbasi (Border; Holy Spider), the film is written by Vanity Fairs Gabriel Sherman, whose biography of Fox News founder Roger Ailes, The Loudest Voice in the Room, served as a source for the 2019 Showtimes limited series. The Loudest Voice, starring Russell Crowe.

Both Stan and Strong have portrayed real-life characters before. Stan, who recently won the Silver Bear for Best Lead Performance for his performance in A Different Man at the Berlin Film Festival, was nominated for an Emmy for his role as drummer Tommy Lee in Hulus' Pam & Tommy. He also played fictionalized versions of real people in films such as Dumb Money and I, Tonya. As for Emmy-winning Strong, he has starred in projects based on a true story, including The Trial of the Chicago 7, The Big Short and Selma.

The film's producers are Daniel Bekerman for Scythia Films (Canada), Jacob Jarek for Profile Pictures (Denmark), Ruth Treacy and Julianne Forde for Tailored Films (Ireland) and Abbasi and Louis Tisn for Film Institute (Denmark). Executive producers include Amy Baer, ​​Mark H. Rapaport, Emanuel Nunez, Josh Marks, Grant S. Johnson, Phil Hunt and Compton Ross, Thorsten Schumacher, Niamh Fagan, Sherman, Lee Broda, James Shani and Greg Denny.

The Apprentice will debut at the Cannes Film Festival, which takes place in May 1425 and will also feature titles such as Francis Ford Coppola's Megalopolis, Yorgos Lanthimos' Kinds of Kindness, David Cronenberg's The Shrouds and Andrea Arnold's Bird.




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