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'Eating non-vegetarian during Saawan, Navratri': as PM Modi criticizes Oppn, look back at the viral videos that sparked controversy

'Eating non-vegetarian during Saawan, Navratri': as PM Modi criticizes Oppn, look back at the viral videos that sparked controversy


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Rahul Gandhi and Lalu Prasad Yadav cook mutton (left) and Tejashwi Yadav eat fish during the lunch break during their campaign (right).

Rahul Gandhi and Lalu Prasad Yadav cook mutton (left) and Tejashwi Yadav eat fish during the lunch break during their campaign (right).

Prime Minister Modi said the goal of Indian bloc leaders is similar to that of the Mughals, who did not get satisfaction by simply defeating the kings in India. They achieved contentment only by destroying the temples, the Prime Minister added.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday attacked the opposition's Mughal mentality for eating non-vegetarian food during the auspicious months of Saawan and Navratri, when most Hindu families limit themselves to purely vegetarian food. The Prime Minister added that he knew opponents would come after him with goli-barood (arms and ammunition) and abuse after his statement. But it is his duty, in a democracy, to show people the true side of situations.

Congress and INDIA bloc do not care about the feelings of most Indians. Love plays with people's feelings. One of their leaders visited an ally who is a convict and is out on bail to cook mutton during the month of Saawan. They also incited the beliefs of Indians by shooting videos, PM Modi said in Jammu and Kashmir's Udhampur.

The law doesn't stop anyone from eating anything, and neither does Modi. Everyone is free to consume vegetables and non-vegetarians whenever they want. However, the motivations of these people (members of the INDIA bloc) are different. Their goal is similar to that of the Mughals, who did not achieve satisfaction by simply defeating the kings of India. They achieved contentment only by destroying the temples, the Prime Minister added.

Comparing the mindset of the opposition leaders to that of the Mughals, PM Modi further said that the leaders of the INDIA bloc are using the same ideology, shooting videos and provoking Indians. And this is how they want to ensure their vote bank, he added.

Who is PM Modi talking about?

1. Rahul Gandhi and Lalu Prasad Yadav: A video of Rahul Gandhi cooking Champaran mutton with Lalu Prasad Yadav at the latter's residence in New Delhi went viral in September last year. The BJP had then said Gandhi had hurt Hindu sentiments by cooking and eating mutton during the month of Saawan, when Hindus observe strict vegetarianism.

Although the video was released on September 2 after Saawan ended, the meeting took place in August when Sawan was present, BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra wrote on X after the video went viral.

Hitting the theater Janeudhaari Brahmin, Patra said, Rahul Gandhi meets Lalu Yadav on August 4 and suddenly it's MasterChefs cooking mutton. But they conveniently waited until after Saawan before showing us their culinary skills. How’s that for timing?

2. Tejashwi Yadav: Two days ago, a video of Tejashwi Yadav, Lalu Yadav's son and former deputy CM of Bihar, went viral where he was seen eating fish with Vikassheel Insaan Party (VIP) chief Mukesh Sahani.

After being attacked for not eating vegetables during Navratri, Tejashwi claimed that the video was from April 8 and he deliberately released it late to check the IQ of BJP leaders, who have no knowledge and never talk about real problems like unemployment, migration and poverty.

Reactions after Prime Minister Modis' statement

Reacting to PM Modis' accusations, the former Bihar deputy CM said: During elections, any type of video goes viral. It's not like we're doing it deliberately.

RJD MP Manoj Jha also responded to the Prime Minister's comments and said: What is happening? Your leaders have fallen into the trap, and now you too? The video is from April 8 and has no connection with Navratri. Why not talk about jobs? You came to power with the promise of two million jobs each year. What happened to that now? Why are you silent about this? You remain silent on jobs and better health care. But the fish is all you can see. It will no longer be possible to deviate from the main questions. We cannot expect that, at least from the Prime Minister.




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