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ESports: Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets the biggest names in Indian gaming like Mortal, PayalGaming and 8Bit_Thug | Sports-Other News

ESports: Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets the biggest names in Indian gaming like Mortal, PayalGaming and 8Bit_Thug |  Sports-Other News


Some of India's biggest gaming influencers recently met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the man with the most influence in the world's most populous country. The meeting featured roundtable discussions on issues facing the esports and gaming industry and ended with Modi, 73, trying his hand at VR (virtual reality) and to mobile games.

The seven Indian gamers invited to meet the Prime Minister are among the most popular names in the esports and gaming industry. Take, for example, Naman Mathur, who goes by his in-game name Mortal. With 5.3 million followers on Instagram, in addition to seven million subscribers on YouTube, his social media fame eclipses that of mainstream athletes like Indian cricketer Ravichandran Ashwin (who has 4.7 million followers on Instagram and 14 lakh subscribers on YouTube) or PV Sindhu, who has 3.7 million followers on Instagram. Mortals' YouTube videos have racked up over 131 crore views, most of them from Gen Z viewers.

When David Beckham visited India last year, Mortal was one of those who had an audience with the superstar, as he not only discussed football but was also able to explain to the former captain English football why he should try Mumbai's vada pav.

Mortal was one of the first big superstars in the Indian esports ecosystem, reaching viral fame in 2018 with a YouTube video titled Every PUBG Gamer Will Watch This Ending, which has 20 million views so far.

Mortal made a name for himself in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Mobile. When PUBG Mobile was banned in India, a new variant Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) took its place. BGMI reportedly has more than 100 million users in the country.

Festive offer

Mortal, like many other OG (original gangster) stars of this period, became one of the biggest content creators on social media, earning top dollar for his ties to mainstream brands. Just like former cricketers find jobs as analysts and commentators, esports athletes earn thousands of rupees on a monthly basis as content creators by streaming their games on platforms.

Top esports players in India could earn between $4,000 and $15,000 (around Rs 3 lakh to Rs 12 lakh) per month. But of course, there is a huge income disparity in the industry, where someone finishing 10th in an event might make just $700 a month. On the other hand, someone like a mortal could earn up to a million dollars a year (around Rs 8 crore). That's what the best players do. You should know that the players are not esports athletes. Mortal is a retired athlete, who represented India on several occasions in events, but is now focusing on video games, Animesh Agarwal, who was also among the seven who met Modi, had told The Indian Express in an interview in July last year.

A diverse group

A former Deloitte employee, Agarwal, who goes by the name 8Bit_Thug, took a break from his regular job in his early 20s to start two teams with Mortal. Currently, he is the founder and CEO of 8Bit Creatives, one of India's top esports consulting and talent management agencies. He also founded S8UL, an entity specializing in gaming and esports content.

Other members of the group who have secured an audience with Modi also enjoy significant social media clout. Mithilesh Patankar (game name: MythPat) has 3.4 million followers on Instagram and 14.6 million subscribers on YouTube, with his last 10 videos having been viewed at least 1.5 million times.

Payal Dhare (PayalGaming), comes from the small town of Chhindwara in Madhya Pradesh. The district has a population of around 20 lakh, but Payal's 812 videos on YouTube since she launched her channel in 2019 have racked up 36 crore page views and earned her 3.7 million subscribers.

In addition to social media, e-sports and video games are regularly appearing in the mainstream. Since 2022, Star Sports has broadcast the BGMI Masters Series on several channels. Jio Cinema jumped on the bandwagon this year and streamed a different event, called Battlegrounds Mobile India Series (BGIS).

The group that met Modi also included Tirth Mehta, who hails from Gujarats Bhuj and who represented India at two Asian Games, competing in the sport called Hearthstone. At the 2018 Jakarta Asiad, he won a bronze medal, but esports was a showcase event in this edition of the Asian Games. At last year's Asiad in Hangzhou, esports was granted full sport status, with medals won counting towards the nations tally.

Not just the Asian Games and the Commonwealth Games, esports could gain increased legitimacy when the esports Olympics come to fruition next year, as IOC chief Thomas Bach announced at the IOC session in Mumbai last year.

Esports, especially in India, once had a perception problem: many people were unable to distinguish between gaming and betting. But the prime minister's hearing with the country's major players marks the latest step toward mainstreaming that pursuit.




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