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Donald Trump attends Newtown Athletic Club fundraiser before Lehigh County

Donald Trump attends Newtown Athletic Club fundraiser before Lehigh County


Former President Donald Trump will be in Bucks County on Saturday for a fundraiser before heading to the Lehigh Valley for a rally.

Both areas are critical battlegrounds in Pennsylvania as Trump campaigns against President Joe Biden this year.

Trump's third visit to Pennsylvania this year comes just 10 days before the state's primary. While the former president is the presumptive Republican nominee, the April 23 primary could take the temperature of his support within the party.

Biden and Trump have polled extremely closely in state polls, underscoring the importance of winning over voters in this swing state. The most recent Franklin & Marshall poll gave Biden a two-point lead, which was within the poll's margin of error.

Trump will be in the Commonwealth just two days before jury selection begins in Manhattan for the first of four criminal prosecutions. His former chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, was sentenced this week to five months in prison in a perjury trial, as Trump's lawyers sought to delay his ongoing trials.

Why is Donald Trump coming to Bucks County?

In the afternoon, Trump is expected to attend a fundraiser at the Newtown Athletic Club hosted by several longtime GOP donors, including Jim Worthington, the club owner who defied COVID shutdowns in 2020.

Trump supporters who want to welcome the former president but are not attending the event for which ticket prices started at $2,500 per person plan to gather outside. A flyer announcing the effort warns participants to be on their best behavior.

Bucks County is one of the most important political battlegrounds in the country. It is one of the few benchmark regions in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia's only purple-collar county.

U.S. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, a self-described moderate Republican who represents the area and has a history of dodging questions about Trump, did not respond to questions about whether he would attend the fundraiser. Fitzpatrick has not yet said whether he will support Trump this year.

The Indivisible Bucks County, a local chapter of a national progressive group, will rally in support of Biden in a caravan that will drive past the athletic club and Fitzpatricks' office.

READ MORE: Trump is visiting Bucks County this weekend, but don't expect Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick to be there

Why is Donald Trump coming to Lehigh County?

After the fundraiser, Trump will travel to Lehigh County for a rally to be held at the Schnecksville Fire Station in North Whitehall Township. While doors will open to supporters at 3 p.m., Trump is scheduled to deliver a speech four hours later at 7 p.m.

READ MORE: Three reasons Trump chose the Lehigh Valley for his big Pennsylvania rally on Saturday

Bill Bachenberg, a millionaire Trump donor who lives outside Allentown and who tried to help overturn the 2020 election, appears to have helped organize the event. According to the Lehigh Valley News, the popular Bachenberg clay target shooting center rented the fire station for the Trump rally.

The county GOP chairman told the Lehigh Valley News that organizers expected more than 6,000 people at the outdoor rally off Route 309.

The Lehigh Valley is a dynamic region. It is also home to a large population of Latino voters, a group that both Trump and Biden are trying to appeal to.

Abortion at the center of the debate

Trump's visit to Pennsylvania comes as he is in the spotlight for his latest statements on abortion.

After mixed messages on the issue, Trump said this week that he did not support a national ban and that it should be left to the states.

He also said Arizona's law that criminalizes almost all abortions went too far, but defended overturning Roe v. Wade.

Trump has expressed myriad views on abortion in the past, since saying in 2016 that women seeking abortions should be punished, a statement he later walked back, going so far as to suggest the month the latter that he would support a national ban on abortion around 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Democrats used Trump's statements on abortion to attack him on an issue the party has had success on in recent elections.

Whether it is the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the extreme ban on abortion across the country, the attempt to overturn the last election and destroy our democracy, or the promise to deprive 1.2 million Pennsylvanians of their health care, the Donald Trump's record and agenda are too dangerous and extreme for Pennsylvania, Gov. Josh Shapiro said in a statement Friday about Trump's visit to the state.

Biden will travel to the Commonwealth next week with stops in Scranton, the Pittsburgh area and the Philadelphia area.




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