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Liz Truss claims Downing St is overrun with fleas from Boris' dog | UK News

Liz Truss claims Downing St is overrun with fleas from Boris' dog |  UK News


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Liz Truss made the comments in excerpts released today from her upcoming book Ten Years to Save the West (Photo: Getty)

Former Prime Minister Liz Truss claims 10 Downing Street is infested with fleas, which she says came from her predecessor Boris Johnson's dog.

In her forthcoming memoir, parts of which were published in the Mail today, the former prime minister wrote: The place was infested with fleas. The whole place had to be sprayed with flea spray. I spent several weeks itching.

According to Truss, Boris Johnson's dog Dilyn was thought to be the cause of the infestation, but she admitted there was no conclusive evidence to prove that was the case.

Truss says she ordered new furniture for the residence, but was evicted before it could be delivered – a curious choice of words, given that neither she nor her family had any right to the property after his eviction in October 2022.

Truss became Britain's shortest-serving prime minister after being ousted in October 2022 following 49 days of turmoil under her leadership (Photo: Adam Gray/SWNS)

In his upcoming memoir, which will be published next week in the UK and US, Truss is also said to take aim at Britain's financial establishment for failing to support his budget proposals.

These included more than 45 billion in unfunded tax cuts for the UK's richest earners, which was described at the time by a senior Conservative MP as a form of libertarian jihad against economy.

The former Prime Minister is said to have hit back in her book by describing the Treasury, the Bank of England and the Office for Budget Responsibility as a three-headed hydra.

It also inexplicably accuses the three institutions of being determined to pursue a pro-China policy.

Although Truss's rhetoric in the book may seem somewhat extreme, it perhaps speaks to some of the company she has kept since leaving office.

Her increasingly extreme rhetoric since leaving office has prompted opposition figures to accuse her of poisoning public discourse in the UK (Photo: AP)

The former prime minister has publicly courted global far-right figures in recent months, including while attending the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland in early February.

Other guests at the event included a U.S. senator who once refused to admit that white nationalists are inherently racist, as well as a representative of an ultra-conservative Japanese sect whose followers view their leader as a supreme being of the planet Venus.

At the conference, Truss was seen appearing on a show with Steven Bannon, founder of the far-right media outlet Breitbart and a former strategist for disgraced ex-President Donald Trump.

On the show, she claimed she was forced to resign from her position due to a deep state conspiracy.

She added: People who join the civil service are essentially activists. They may be trans activists, environmental extremists, but they now have a voice in public service in a way that I don't think was true 30 or 40 years ago.

British opposition figures have since called for Rishi Sunak to remove the Conservative Party whip from Truss.

Jonathan Ashworth, a shadow cabinet minister, said: “It's anyone's guess what Liz Truss thinks she does, but we now know she spends her time hanging out with a bizarre list of far-right characters. [and] spreading conspiracy theories.

By allowing these controversial, misleading and dangerous views to be introduced into mainstream British politics, the Conservative Party is poisoning public discourse.

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