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Turkish court arrests political adviser after comment on jet fuel sale to Israel

Turkish court arrests political adviser after comment on jet fuel sale to Israel


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On April 13, a Turkish court arrested political communications specialist Evren Barış Yavuz for “inciting public enmity,” “incitement to commit a crime,” and “propaganda of a terrorist organization.”

Yavuz was arrested earlier today after being targeted over his social media post criticizing the presidents of the Baykar defense company with close ties to the Turkish government for their hypocrisy on Palestine.

After the Turkish Commerce Ministry announced export restrictions to Israel on April 9, Yavuz posted a photo of Baykar owners Selçuk and Haluk Bayraktar at the January 1 rally for Palestine, with the caption: “They were selling jet fuel to Israel.”

Selçuk Bayraktar is the son-in-law of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

The Ministry of Commerce's list of products for which Turkey restricted exports included “aviation gasoline and jet fuel.”

Haluk Bayraktar wrote a scathing response to Yavuz, claiming that he was an employee of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İBB) under the leadership of newly re-elected Ekrem İmamoğlu of the Republican People's Party (CHP), the main party in 'opposition.

Bayraktar also shared a screenshot of an article titled “Why Alevis should have had their own Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)”, which was allegedly written by Yavuz in 2013.

Bayraktar wrote: “I am addressing Mayor İmamoğlu, who feeds these PKK members. Remind your dogs on a leash. If you have something to tell us, be brave and say it directly so we can respond.

Before his arrest, Yavuz responded to the deluge of hateful comments and targeting he received on social media.

He denied that the article in question belonged to him and claimed that it was an article written 11 years ago by another author, published on a website that he moderated.

“I am shocked to be declared a terrorist because of this forced connection that could even confuse the devil,” he wrote.

Yavuz added that he believed his comments were being used as a pretext to attack İmamoğlu. “Mr. Ekrem Imamoğlu is my elected mayor, and this is where my connection with him extends,” he said.

Yavuz deactivated his Twitter account following the threats, insults and attacks received against him and his family.

He added that he would take legal action against anyone who participated in the smear campaign.

The İBB issued a statement denying Bayraktar's claims regarding Yavuz's ties to the municipality.

The İBB called Bayraktar's claims “lies” and “defamation” and said it would file a complaint against him.

CHP Chairman Özgür Özel shared a social media post on April 14 regarding Yavuz's arrest. “An arrest regarding an article written 11 years ago obviously defies the rule of law. The court should reverse its deliberate sanction.

Turkey announced on April 9 that it would impose restrictions on exports to Israel, encompassing various products such as steel and jet fuel, until a ceasefire is declared in Gaza.

The country thus took its first substantial sanction against Israel after six months of conflict, despite being one of the most vocal critics of the Israeli regime and its war in Gaza.

This vague position sparked a domestic backlash, calling for an end to trade ties with Israel.




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