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“No need to fear the big project”: what Prime Minister Modi said on his return for a 3rd term | News from India

“No need to fear the big project”: what Prime Minister Modi said on his return for a 3rd term |  News from India


NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modiin a interview with the press agency YEARShas spoken out on a series of issues that have been at the center of the election campaigns of the opposition bloc INDIA and the ruling BJP in the run-up to the summer elections.
Prime Minister Modi also spoke about the lack of a “level playing field”, as the opposition claims, and his government's alleged influence over agencies like the Law Enforcement Branch (ED), Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Election Commission (EC).
“Big projects for the 3rd term”
The prime minister spoke of his “big plans”, some of which he plans to implement within 100 days of returning to power for a third consecutive term.
“I have big plans…there is no need to give it to anyone (no one needs to be afraid). My decisions are not made to scare anyone or to diminish anyone. They are meant for the overall development of the country,” PM Modi said in the interview.
“Fear of sin”: PM on ED actions
The Prime Minister rejected opposition allegations that political enemies “are being sent to jail by the BJP government”. He said the maximum number of cases registered by the Enforcement Directorate are of persons and entities who have no connection with politics.
“How many opposition leaders are in jail? No one tells me. And is it the same opposition leader… who was running their government? There is fear of sin (paap ka dar hai) .What fear does an honest person have? They had put my home minister (Amit Shah) in jail when I was the chief minister. The country should understand that political leaders are involved in only 3 percent of cases. of ED and that 97 per cent of the cases are registered against those who do not belong to politics,” the Prime Minister said.
PM Modi said the ED, before coming to power in 2014, had seized assets of only Rs 5,000 crore, but during its tenure, the anti-money laundering agency seized Rs 1 lakh crore.
“Everyone will regret it”: the Prime Minister on the electoral guarantee
Admitting that decisions may have shortcomings, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused the opposition of “spreading lies” over the electoral bond system, which was scrapped by the Supreme Court.
He said: “Everyone will regret it if there is honest reflection.”
PM Modi said the electoral bond scheme was aimed at curbing black money in the polls and the opposition wanted to run away after making allegations.
The Prime Minister said that of the 16 companies which donated after the action of the investigating agencies, only 37 per cent of the amount went to the BJP and 63 per cent to the opposition parties opposed to the BJP. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had claimed that electoral bonds constituted the largest extortion racket in the world.
“Congress refused invitation to Ram Mandir for vote bank”
Chastising the Congress for refusing the invitation to the Ram Mandir inauguration, the Prime Minister alleged that the grand old party did not attend the mega-event to stock its vote bank, which made it ” helpless.”
“They (Ram Janmabhoomi trust) come to your house and invite you. And they want to do it again. You also reject them. Then it seems that for you, the vote bank has made you helpless. And because of this vote bank votes, things like that continue, and that… belittling someone, insulting someone, that’s their nature,” the Prime Minister said.
PM Modi also accused the Congress of trying to delay the Ram Mandir judgment while it was pending in court. He said the Congress had been spreading propaganda against the construction of the grand temple.
“Even when the case was pending in court, they tried to delay the court's judgment. Why? Because for them, it was a political weapon. They kept saying that Ram Mandir would be built, that they would kill you. “It was a way to appease a vote bank. Now what happened? Ram Mandir has been constructed, no untoward incident has occurred and this issue is no longer in their hands,” the Prime Minister said.
Rahul Gandhi tries to 'deceive'
Without naming the Congress scion, the Prime Minister said the Wayanad MP had “no commitment or responsibility for his words”.
Highlighting Rahul Gandhi's remark “will eliminate poverty in one fell swoop”, Prime Minister Modi said after ruling the country for six decades, if he made such a statement, the nation would question it.
“Unfortunately, these days we see that there is no commitment and accountability to a single word. You must have seen old videos of a leader circulating, where his every thought is contradictory. When people see this, they think this leader was trying to mislead the public Lately I heard a politician say. Suddenly there will be no poverty. Those who have been fortunate enough to be in power for 5-6 decades, when they say this, the country wonders what is this man saying?,” PM Modi said.
“One nation, one election”
Speaking on 'One Nation One Election', promised by the BJP in its manifesto, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said simultaneous polls were the BJP's “commitment”. He said the country would benefit greatly from the implementation of the One Nation, One Election report.
“Many people have joined us in the country… Many people have given their suggestions to the committee. Very positive and innovative suggestions have been made. The country will benefit greatly if we are able to implement this report,” PM Modi said. .




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