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bne IntelliNews – ISTANBUL BLOG: Critics seize Turkey's silence in the face of the Israel-Iran crisis

bne IntelliNews – ISTANBUL BLOG: Critics seize Turkey's silence in the face of the Israel-Iran crisis


Ilhan Uzgelvice-president of the Republican People's Party (CHP), Turkey's main opposition, criticized the silence maintained by the Erdogan regime during the tense confrontation between Israel and Iran, the local news agency reported. Anka reported on April 14.

Even before Iran's drone and missile attack on Israel this weekend, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was already in a difficult position due to Israel's invasion of Gaza to fight the Palestinian group Hamas. Due to its economic fragility, Turkey did not want to impose trade retaliation on Israel. In recent months, Turkish Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek has traveled the Arab world and other parts of the world begging for foreign currency.

Predictably, Erdogan's Islamist base is unhappy with their man's silence amid the clash between Israel and Iran. The outbreak of war between Iran and Israel could only add to the regime's woes.

Turkey must mobilize international organizations, of which it is also a member. Turkey must use diplomatic channels. Tension in this region must be reduced, Uzgel said.

Uzgel was appointed to his position after new CHP leader Ozgur Ozel took over as party leader last November. Professor of international relations, he works on American foreign policy and American-Turkish relations.

Uzgel is a knowledgeable expert in his field. He's not stupid. His appointment as head of the CHP came as a surprise. In terms of talent, there remains an exception within the opposition party.

Uzgel is also shadow foreign minister. However, the Turkish Foreign Minister, former spymaster Hakan Fidan, does not occupy him much because Fidan does not say much.

Amid such a significant development in our region and a direct military attack by another state targeting Israel for the first time since the October attacks War in 1973, in the midst of such escalation and great tension in the region, we are surprised to note that no official, notably the Minister of Foreign Affairs, made any comment on this issue, also said Uzgel Anka.

The Republic of Türkiye is one of the most important countries in the region. It is an indispensable part of the region. More or less, every development affects Turkey, he added.

Erdogan was yelling at world leaders. He was throwing down the gauntlet. He was very tough on Israel, Uzgel reflected, referring to the president's explosive barrels of angry rhetoric after the Gaza invasion. He added: “However, when we take into consideration both the objective parameters of Turkey's power and the claims of the AKP government, such [subsequent] inefficiency and silence [after Irans attack on Israel] are neither understandable nor correct.

Our government should at least make a verbal statement. This is the responsibility of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hakan Fidans. He has a background in intelligence. He was the head of [Turkeys intelligence service] MIT. Maybe things were happening there in a more discreet and invisible way, but foreign policy is not like that, Uzgel also said.

I hereby appeal to Mr. Hakan Fidan. Please make a verbal statement and take initiatives to reduce tensions in the region, he added.

Listen, our President Ozgur Ozel made a very meaningful statement. He expressed concern about this development and proposed a solution. While the leader of the main opposition party makes very clear statements, the silence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the AKP government on this issue is seen as helplessness and insufficiency. It is therefore necessary to eliminate this image, continued Uzgel.

If you make Turkey an ineffective country, an unreliable actor on the international scene, no one will knock on the door of the government or of Erdogan, neither regarding the war in Ukraine, nor regarding the conflict in Gaza, nor in response to humanitarian tragedies, according to Uzgel.

Nobody hands Erdogan a microphone. This is not correct. In foreign policy, a country like Turkey cannot act as if it is the leader of many regions and then turn inward and oscillate between two extremes, he concluded.

Following Uzgel's criticism, the Foreign Ministry issued a written statement statement on its website and social media account (@TC_Disisleri), while some anonymous sources talked has Reutersan information service that too often acts as a public relations agency for the Erdogan regime.

During the 13 years that Fidans led MIT, most of the intelligence budget seemed to have gone to social media trolls. Trolls shared photos of a supposedly cool Fidan in various circumstances, wearing sunglasses or with his hands in his pockets. Edited videos showing Fidan walking were also released. The same comment has been repeatedly added to the posts, essentially saying that the confidence he projects is no joke.

Since the visual material and motto were completely insane, the trolls' efforts became the source of a popular joke.

After the stealthy Fidan was appointed top diplomat, he had to speak on camera. His voice was a real disappointment for the Erdoganist crowds.

Still, it's not possible to hear Fidan speak too often. The “no joke/joke” campaign is still successful.

The analyst who wants a quick dashboard of Fidans' time at MIT might be content with just one memory.

Erdogan explained how he learned about the July 15, 2016 military coup attempt from his brother-in-law. Afterwards, he was asked if he was considering changing the head of intelligence and the army (the army chief was among those kidnapped by the putschists). He replied: Don't change horses along the way.

Skeptics saw this response as one of the main indicators that the failed putsch was actually a controlled coup. cutmeaning the regime allowed it to grow and exploited it.

Regarding MIT and Fidan, there is no need to recall and delve into the long list of tragedies from Syria to Libya.




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