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Why Queen Elizabeth 'loved it when things went wrong': help

Why Queen Elizabeth 'loved it when things went wrong': help


Even the queen got carried away by the royal madness.

The queen had no ego, she was so comfortable in her own skin, but she loved it when things went wrong,” said Samantha Cohen, a former employee of the late royal. told the Herald Sun.

“If a cake didn't cut or a plate didn't turn out, because everything was so perfectly organized, it spiced up his life when things went wrong.

Cohen worked for the royal family from 2001 to 2019. According to the telegraphsome of the best moments of his work came during Her Majesty's tour of Australia in 2002 and 2019.

The Queen had no ego, she was so comfortable in her own skin, and yet she loved it when things went wrong,” Samantha Cohen told the Herald Sun. Karwai Tang/WireImage

Cohen served as Elizabeth's deputy private secretary and interacted daily with the monarch.

The Queen and I talked a lot. I miss her, she was a special woman,” Cohen continued, adding that she and her family were often invited by the matriarch to come to Balmoral Castle and Sandringham House to celebrate Christmas with the royal family.

“I loved, loved, loved the job as assistant private secretary to the Queen,” she gushed. “Those were happy times because the Queen was in great shape.”

During the Queen's reign, Cohen served as assistant private secretary to Elizabeth and interacted daily with the monarch. Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images

The monarch who died aged 96 in 2022 once affectionately gave her the name “Samantha Panther” because of her no-nonsense professional attitude.

Cohen also recalled how excited the Queen was to start a YouTube channel for his family in 2007.

We made a model and showed the Queen what YouTube was. She said: Fantastic, she was up for it,” Cohen said.

At the request of the Queen, Cohen (center) finally began working for Prince Harry and his new wife Meghan Markle in 2018. Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

According to Cohen, she was then contacted by the Vatican and the White House to create their own channels with the two institutions, stating: The Queen had a channel on YouTube before us.

At the queen's request, Cohen eventually began working for Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, in 2018.

However, a year later, Cohen resigned from the royal household after being treated harshly and comparing his job to working with teenagers.

Cohen said the monarch gave her the nickname “Samantha Panther” because of her no-nonsense professional attitude. Pool/Max Mumby/Getty Images

The claims were published in Valentine Low's book, “Courters: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown.”

Although Cohen declined to comment on the claims, the Herald Sun reported that Cohen was one of 10 people interviewed by palace officials when Sussex communications secretary Jason Knauf raised the issue.

Markle's legal team has denied any allegations of bullying.

After her departure, Cohen was hired as executive director of the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council and created the Queen Green Canopy initiative, who planted 3 million trees across the UK in the former monarch's name.

It was my gift to the Queen, Cohen said. She loved trees and nature and knew all the trees in the gardens of Buckingham Palace.

In 2022, Cohen briefly served under Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Cohen said the best moments of his work came when Her Majesty toured Australia in 2002 and 2019. Getty Images

I was brought in because there had been a lot of change,” she told the Herald Sun.

Cohen later attended the Queen's funeral at St. George's Chapel.

“Windsor was her home and she loved being there,” she told People. “She died in her favorite place and was buried in her favorite place alongside her husband and other family members.”




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