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Opp welcomes a delegation of international investors

Opp welcomes a delegation of international investors



Leader of Opposition in the National Assembly Omar Ayub Khan expressed the opposition's warm welcome to a delegation of international investors from a friendly country.

He stressed the importance of ensuring equitable distribution of dividends from these investments for the benefit of the local population. Alongside MPs Mahmood Khan Achakzai of the Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party (PkMAP) and lawyer Gohar Ali Khan, Khan reiterated the opposition's stance of prioritizing the welfare of local communities in areas where investment projects are implemented.

He said any delegation from brotherly countries to support the country's economic recovery was warmly welcomed by the opposition.

The only demand of the opposition, he added, is that the government ensures equal and fair distribution of dividends from these investments to the local population of the particular region where the projects are being implemented.

“Whether it is Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa or any other province, the primary beneficiaries of foreign investments are the local population.”

Stressing the importance of respecting the Constitution and the rule of law, Mahmood Achakzai invited any political party sharing these principles to join the opposition alliance.

Lawyer Gohar Ali highlighted the non-negotiable nature of the rule of law, emphasizing that it forms the foundation of a thriving democracy. He affirmed his party's commitment to continuing the fight for this cause.

Meanwhile, the PTI reiterated its call for independent investigations into the May 9 and Bahawalnagar incidents, while expressing deep displeasure over the delay in hearing the appeals filed by former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his wife, Bushra Bibi, against their conviction in various cases.

Following Monday's hearing on the iddat case involving Imran and Bushra, PTI Information Secretary Raoof Hassan alleged that the government, acting under powerful influences, was trying to manipulate the Constitution.

He cited plans to grant a fixed three-year term to Pakistan's Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa and pledged PTI's parliamentary efforts to prevent such a move. Referring to the Bahawalnagar incident, Hassan lamented the escalation of conflict between two state institutions.

He wondered who would address the grievances of PTI members affected by the May 9 incident, stressing the need to end such tactics which weaken the country. Criticizing the Foreign Ministry's statement on the Iran-Israel conflict, Hassan lambasted the government's perceived reluctance to mention Israel by name.

He also expressed frustration at what he described as a deliberate tactic aimed at prolonging legal proceedings involving Imran and Bushra. He highlighted the detrimental effects of such delays on the state and the justice system, saying: “There is no end to decline when the state suffers.”

Naeem Haider Panjhota, a member of PTI's legal team, echoed concerns about the use of delaying tactics. He stressed the need for a fair and speedy trial, highlighting the personal toll of people like Bushra Bibi, who were unable to celebrate Eid at home due to the delays.

Panjhota questioned Khawar Maneka's lawyer Rizwan Abbasi about the behavior of Khawar Maneka's lawyer Rizwan Abbasi during the iddat proceedings and his sudden departure from the court at a crucial moment. He alleged that Abbasi, known for his numerous arguments in previous trials, was now trying to delay the case under the pretext of being unprepared.

Panjhota pointed out that Imran Khan was convicted in three cases in five days and wondered when justice would be served as Abbasi managed to postpone the hearing once again.

He alleged that the court appeared to be under pressure once again. He also highlighted the unresolved issue of Bushra Bibi's endoscopy and Imran Khan's medical examination, with several applications pending in court for their medical examinations.




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