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Will Donald Trump miss son Barron's graduation ceremony due to secret trial? Fact Check

Will Donald Trump miss son Barron's graduation ceremony due to secret trial?  Fact Check


On Monday, April 15, Donald Trump became the first former president in United States history to face a criminal trial. As the trial began in Manhattan Court in New York with jury selection, Judge Juan Merchan said he had received a request from Trump's lawyers asking the Republican Party leader to miss the trial on May 17 in order to to attend his son Barron's graduation ceremony.

Speaking to the media, Trump mentioned that the judge might not allow him to attend his youngest son's high school graduation. (Getty Images)

Trump's lawyer even asked the judge not to hold a trial on June 3 due to his own son's graduation.

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In March last year, Trump was accused of fabricating corporate documents in connection with secret payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about his affair during the 2016 presidential campaign.

While Daniel admitted to having an affair with Trump in 2006, the GOP leader refuted Daniels' allegations. He has pleaded not guilty, saying the case against him was politically motivated.

Will Trump skip Barron's graduation due to secret trial?

Barron Trump, Melania's only son with Donald Trump, turned 18 on March 20. Just like his mother, he was barely spotted during Trump's last presidential campaign.

Barron joined the Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach, Florida, after Trump completed his presidential term in 2021. He is scheduled to graduate on May 17, 2024.

In a tweet about “It really depends on whether we are on time and where we are in the trial,” he said.

The trial's jury selection process could last up to two weeks, as 50 of the 90 jurors were excused Monday after admitting they could not be impartial.

What did the judge say about Trump's participation in the ceremony?

In fact, Merchan indicated that it might be possible for Trump to attend the graduation on May 17, depending on how the trial progresses. He did not definitively reject Trump's request to delay the graduation trial.

Merchan clarified his position in court, saying whether Trump would attend the graduation depended on the trial schedule. The Associated Press reported that Merchan said he would consider adjourning the hearing for the day if the trial progressed as scheduled.

However, Merchan also warned that Trump could be arrested if he misses court appearances or disrupts the trial. The lawsuit focuses on allegations that Trump paid adult film actress Stormy Daniels to keep their alleged affair a secret before the 2016 election, at a time when Melania Trump was caring for their baby, Barron.

Trump speaks to media after first day of trial

Speaking to the media after Monday's trial, Trump said, “Amazing things happened today.”

Trump mentioned that the judge might not allow him to attend his youngest son's high school graduation.

Criticizing the judge and the case, he reiterated his claim that it was “election interference.”

My son graduated from high school. It looks like the judge won't let me attend the graduation of my son who has worked very, very hard and is an excellent student. This is a SCAM test.




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