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Cross-sector deals concluded at Zhongguancun Technology Fair

Cross-sector deals concluded at Zhongguancun Technology Fair


The 2024 Zhongguancun International Technology Fair will open in Beijing on Thursday. [Photo provided to]

Eleven deals were signed at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Zhongguancun International Technology Fair held in Beijing on Thursday, marking a fruitful start to the global technology trading event.

Four of these technology transfer agreements were signed between universities and technology companies. This includes the achievements of assisted reproductive technology in freeze-thaw solutions developed by Peking University Third Hospital. Adaptive antenna array technology and GNSS satellite navigation receiver technology for receiving satellite navigation signals developed by Beijing Institute of Technology. Oral smart biological diagnosis and treatment technology from Peking University School of Stomatology. and an innovative traditional Chinese medicine project by Xiyuan Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.

Another four agreements focused on investment and financing were signed locally. Four investors, including Beijing Artificial Intelligence Industry Investment Fund, Beijing Pharmaceutical and Health Industry Investment Fund, and Beijing Zhongguancun Capital Fund Management, signed agreements with three high-tech companies in Beijing and one high-tech industrial equipment manufacturer in Qingdao, Shandong province. . They promised to provide patient funding to industrialize the technological achievements. According to event organizers, the goal is to foster unicorns in the frontier technology industry. A unicorn is a privately held start-up company with a valuation of $1 billion or more.

Other agreements include a strategic cooperation agreement between ITOCEC, a high-tech company under China Electronics, and China Southern Power Grid's EHV Transmission Company on the ultra-high-voltage DC power transmission control system transformation project. Cooperation with China Technology Exchange and Tianjin Academy of Development Science and Technology on technology commercialization and sharing technology needs.

Such cooperation concluded at the ZGC International Technology Fair underlines the role of this event in promoting innovation and promoting the commercialization and industrialization of technological achievements to expand new high-quality production capacity. organizers said.

Cooperation mechanism

Additionally, the ZGC 50 Expert Forum on Transforming Scientific and Technological Achievements was launched to coincide with the opening of the trade fair.

The founders have a global perspective in industrial technology innovation, and this cooperation mechanism aims to create a new service system for the commercialization and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and to create an open and inclusive innovation ecosystem. He said he is dedicated to.

Its members hail from the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, among others, and cover a diverse range of innovative organizations such as universities and research institutes. A new research institute. State-owned enterprise. Technology company. investment institution. Science and technology parks and service organizations.

As China's first high-level cooperation mechanism specifically designed to promote the commercialization and industrialization of science and technology, the forum brought together influential figures who have made significant contributions to their respective industries.

new release

At the beginning of the expo, the “Top 100 New Technologies and Products'' and the “100 Selected Innovative Technologies for International Cooperation'' were announced. Both listings are well-established brands from his ZGC technology trade show and are released over four sessions.

According to the organizers, the 2024 edition was completed after multiple rounds of screening of project entries from more than 40 countries and regions around the world.

The list of top 100 new technologies and products, including full-stack solutions from Chinese chipmaker Moore Thread's KUAE Intelligent Computing Center and intelligent ultra-sensitive and super-resolution microscopy, is a group of cutting-edge technologies. The purpose is to introduce these technologies and promote the transformation of these technologies. Develop marketable products and improve Zhongguancun's global technology trading ecosystem.

The 100 Best Innovative Technologies for International Cooperation list focuses on international technology trade cooperation and selects high-quality innovative technology projects from around the world. The nine major projects on the list include an intelligent biosignal processing chip IC design and research and development platform in South Korea, the use of fruit flies to support personalized medicine selection and an innovative drug development technology platform in the UK. , was introduced locally.

To encourage investment in innovative projects, the trade show from April 26 to 29 will feature cutting-edge product debuts and shows, focusing on areas such as artificial intelligence, high-end chips, the Metaverse, and humanoid robots. Eight sessions are scheduled.

In addition, several specialized matching events centered on cutting-edge industries will be held.

Organizers said a special session was also held for technology and trade partnerships to strengthen cooperation with countries such as the UK, Italy, Germany, Finland, Japan and South Korea.

Collaboration platform

As an important part of the annual Zhongguancun Forum, also known as the ZGC Forum, this international technology trade fair has showcased 23,000 innovative projects since its opening in 2020. Through the release of frontier technology achievements, matching supply and demand, communication, exhibition and promotion, it is contributing to Beijing's development into a globally influential center of science and technology commercialization and technology trade.

Comprised of 30 events, the 2024 edition brought together prominent scientists and business executives to share their insights on the integration of technological and industrial innovation. Attendees included Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry Aaron Siekanover and Kai-Fu Li, Chairman and CEO of Sinovation Ventures.




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