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PM Narendra Modi in Bihar

PM Narendra Modi in Bihar


I am 'indebted to BR Ambedkar's Constitution': PM Modi in Bihar

Prime Minister Modi today said he feels “indebted to the samvidhan of Baba Saheb Ambedkar”.

Gaya, Bihar:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said he feels “indebted to Baba Saheb Ambedkar's samvidhan” which enabled him to rise from humble beginnings.

Prime Minister Modi, who addressed back-to-back election rallies in Gaya and Purnea districts of Bihar, spoke at length about the high esteem in which he held the Constitution, mentioning his government's measures such as 'celebrating Samvidhan Diwas , from schools to the Supreme Court and Parliament.” “.

“This year is special. We are going to celebrate 75 years of the Constitution on a scale similar to the Amrit Kaal celebrations which marked 75 years of Independence,” PM Modi said, adding “Our intention is to 'reach every nook and corner of the country where young people will learn how our glorious Constitution was framed and what its significance is.

“People ask me why I care so much about the poor, the Dalits. I do so because I was born among them. So I feel indebted to the social class. I also feel indebted to the Constitution framed by Babasaheb Ambedkar. which helped me get to where I am,” the Prime Minister said.

Prime Minister Modi's refrain came a day after RJD president Lalu Prasad Yadav, the BJP's main opponent in Bihar, echoed the remarks of a number of saffron party leaders who said that “the Constitution will be changed if we obtain a two-thirds majority in Parliament. Parliament”.

References are also made to RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat's call for a “revision” of the Constitution in 2015, when Prasad used the statement to claim that the provision of reservations for backward castes was under attack and that the BJP-led NDA was defeated. assembly polls held that year.

Prime Minister Modi, who equates the Constitution with holy books like the Ramayana, the Bible and the Quran, pointed out that it was during the rule of the Congress, an ally of the RJD, that the state of emergency was imposed and that several constitutional provisions were suspended.

“Our opponents are those who took the Constitution hostage and tried to change it during the state of emergency. Those who want power to remain in the hands of one family still treat the Constitution as an eyesore. is the reason why they have even started threatening that they will not accept the results of the elections held according to the provisions of the Constitution. We must remain united to foil their attempts,” the Prime Minister said.

Touting the abrogation of Article 370 as a “big achievement” of the NDA government, PM Modi said, “Those who cry hoarsely about the Constitution never had the courage to implement it in Jammu and Kashmir. the whole region will be on fire.”

The Prime Minister also did not hold back his attacks on the RJD, which he mentioned by name, and accused it of ushering in “jungle raj and corruption” while in power in the Bihar and to “take credit for all the good work done by the NDA-led government”. by Nitish Kumar.

JD(U) leader Nitish Kumar was conspicuously absent from both rallies, although the one in Purnea was organized for MP and party candidate Santosh Kushwaha and Dulal Chandra Goswami.

The Prime Minister stressed that “the NDA has brought Bihar out of the era of jungle raj” and warned that the crackdown on corruption would continue for the next five years, apparently referring to Prasad's name and members of his family, including his son and heir apparent Tejashwi Yadav, figuring in scams being investigated by central agencies.

In Purnea, Prime Minister Modi spoke of the “ambitious projects” launched by his government for the development of the district in particular and the Seemanchal region in general, contrasting with the governments of the past who washed their hands of the delay from the country. area as irreversible.

Prime Minister Modi also criticized “the vote bank politics that allowed infiltration to flourish in Seemanchal”, saying that “this came at the expense of the poor, Dalits of the region, many of whom suffered attacks and even their houses were destroyed.” was set on fire.

“The fate of this region depends on the outcome of the June 4 polls,” the prime minister said, adding, “Those who oppose the CAA should know that Modi is not someone who can be arrested or intimidated “.

“Today, everyone is saying that only the NDA government at the Center is capable of great achievements,” PM Modi said, pointing to the examples of the Ram temple in Ayodhya, the abrogation of Article 370 and military operations in response to cross-border conflicts. terrorism.

In his speech in Gaya, Prime Minister Modi also spoke about the fame of the pilgrim town and highlighted his government's efforts to preserve the country's cultural heritage, adding: “Our fight is against those who have no respect for our culture.”

The rally in Gaya also provided an opportunity to ease tensions as those invited to share the stage with the Prime Minister included Pashupati Kumar Paras, who recently resigned from the Union cabinet in protest against the NDA giving weight to his ex-nephew Chirag Paswan, and Ashwini Kumar Choubey, who was denied the BJP ticket from Buxar, which he represented twice on the trot.

At the Gaya rally, the Prime Minister also took the mike while the names of others present on the occasion were announced.

He said, “Can I please be excused for breaking protocol. It will be a busy day when I have to address five rallies and have to travel to Assam.”

The Prime Minister had to repeatedly ask the euphoric crowds in Gaya and Purnea to abandon the chants of “Modi! Modi!” while he was speaking. He said: “Let's save this enthusiasm for the election day. It will be very needed.”

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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