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German chancellor urges Xi Jinping to pressure Russia to end Ukraine war, saying China's word carries weight | China

German chancellor urges Xi Jinping to pressure Russia to end Ukraine war, saying China's word carries weight |  China


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he had urged Xi Jinping to pressure Russia to end its senseless war in Ukraine and that the Chinese president had agreed to support a peace conference in Switzerland.

Scholz said Tuesday after a meeting with Xi in Beijing that China's word carries weight in Russia.

So I asked President Xi to influence Russia so that Putin finally ends his senseless campaign, withdraws his troops and ends this terrible war, he said on the social media platform X.

Scholz said Xi had agreed to support a peace conference in Switzerland, which is to take place in June without Russia's participation.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy responded on X that China could contribute to a just peace for his country by playing an active role in the international conference.

Xi, however, appeared to reject the meeting in Switzerland, saying efforts to reach a peaceful resolution should be recognized by both sides and include equal participation from all sides.

Russia has rejected any such meeting, considering it meaningless without Moscow's participation.

China claims to be a neutral party in the Ukraine conflict but has been criticized for refusing to condemn Moscow's offensive.

China and Russia have intensified economic cooperation and diplomatic contacts in recent years, with their strategic partnership only growing closer since the invasion of Ukraine.

Scholz said during his talks with Xi on Tuesday that Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine and Russia's arms buildup had a very significant negative impact on security in Europe, according to a recording provided by the chancellor's office. .

They directly affect our core interests, he told Xi, adding that they harm the entire international order because they violate a principle of the United Nations Charter.

Scholz, whose country is Ukraine's second-largest military supporter after the United States, stressed at a news conference later that it was important to advance diplomatic efforts Ukraine is working on also very hard.

I believe that this progress is necessary because, in addition to the military support of Germany and its allies for Ukraine, a dialogue between the two countries is also necessary, he said.

Chinese state media, in turn, said Xi stressed the importance of relations amid growing risks and challenges.

State broadcaster CCTV said Xi outlined what state media described as four principles aimed at preventing Ukraine's crisis from spiraling out of control and restoring peace.

Xi Jinping, third from right, and Scholz, third from left, with their delegations during the talks in Beijing. Photo: Xinhua/REX/Shutterstock

Nations should focus on maintaining peace and stability and refrain from seeking selfish gains, Xi said, as well as calm the situation and not add fuel to the fire, while also aiming to reduce the negative impact on the global economy.

These four principles echo a Beijing document last year that called for a political settlement to the conflict, which Western countries say could allow Russia to retain much of the territory it seized in Ukraine.

CCTV also broadcast footage, set to an inspiring classical tune, of the two leaders strolling through the picturesque garden of Beijing's Diaoyutai state guest house for in-depth exchanges during the more than three hours the two spent together leaders.

The chancellor of the world's third largest economy landed in China on Sunday, accompanied by a large delegation of ministers and business leaders, for his second visit since taking office.

His tour has taken him to the southwestern megacity of Chongqing, the economic powerhouse of Shanghai and now Beijing, but he faces a difficult balancing act as he aims to strengthen economic ties with the largest Berlin's trading partner.

The German government has come under pressure to relax its close economic ties with China, particularly since Moscow's invasion of Ukraine exposed Europe's dependence on Russian energy.

However, after meeting with Premier Li Qiang, Scholz emphasized that we do not want to separate from China, but we want China to continue to enjoy economic success.

For us in Germany and Europe, it is about reducing unilateral dependencies, diversifying supply chains and reducing economic risks, a goal that China itself has been pursuing for some time, Scholz said .

His visit comes as numerous investigations are underway in Brussels into Chinese state aid for solar panels, electric cars and wind turbines.

Li described the discussions with Scholz as open and constructive, according to a statement released by Berlin.

But he stressed that countries should not be accused of overcapacity and he rejected claims that China's vast renewable energy industry was helped by government subsidies.

Subsidies are a common practice around the world, he said, adding that the success of China's renewable energy sector was due to its capabilities rather than state aid.

Reuters contributed to this report




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