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Labor wants to move closer to Europe on foreign and security issues | Foreign policy

Labor wants to move closer to Europe on foreign and security issues |  Foreign policy


Labor wants to move closer to Europe on key foreign policy and security issues by frequently attending meetings of the EU's monthly foreign affairs council.

The move, which is likely to trigger Conservative claims that Labor is prepared to abandon an independent foreign policy, builds on Keir Starmers' party's pledge to try to negotiate a new security pact with the EU after the 2024 UK elections.

Labor sources said Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy was not seeking to become an ad hoc member of the Foreign Affairs Council or even gain voting rights, but was seeking to become involved in a more structured dialogue with Europe, given the importance of foreign affairs to the UK's national security. and the economy.

The idea of ​​the UK government continuing to participate in EU foreign affairs meetings was mooted by former Conservative foreign minister Lord Hague immediately after Brexit. It was abandoned when Boris Johnson's Conservative government rejected any foreign and security deals with the EU, preferring to focus on a core trade deal.

Figures such as Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, have attended Foreign Affairs Council meetings, but the UK has avoided doing so, preferring bilateral discussions with like-minded foreign ministers , notably Germany and the Nordic countries.

The need to develop a dialogue with Europe could become more acute if Donald Trump is elected president and the United States moves to a more isolationist and protectionist phase, making Europe a more important pole in British relations with the 'stranger. Lammy says he is ready to work closely with a Democratic or Republican administration.

In a wide-ranging article in Foreign Affairs magazine, Lammy alluded to this idea, writing: Given the difficult upcoming debates with the United States over defense burden-sharing, it is increasingly important that the UK is developing closer foreign and security cooperation with the EU. Both sides need to be honest about the seriousness of this moment. From Ukraine to Gaza and the Sahel, there is conflict and instability near European borders that also affects UK and continental interests. Yet the EU and the UK government have no formal means of foreign policy cooperation.

He said the UK must seek a geopolitical partnership with the EU whose centerpiece would be a security pact.

It also suggests that the UK could form closer ties with France, Germany and Poland by joining their Weimar Triangle. Furthermore, Lammy believes that relations with Ireland are set to improve and also proposes a defense partnership with Germany similar to the long-standing one with France.

The Foreign Affairs Council functions thanks to unanimity, often obtained with difficulty, and is sometimes considered ineffective. But on Ukraine, the EU has adopted a stronger common position, particularly on sanctions policy, leading to calls for the integration of its defense spending.

Labor has insisted it will not join the customs union or single market if elected.




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