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Erdogan to host Hamas leader for talks as Mideast crisis deepens

Erdogan to host Hamas leader for talks as Mideast crisis deepens


Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh will meet Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey next weekend. The meeting is expected to discuss a wide range of issues, with the two leaders having recently engaged in separate but related diplomatic activities.

Erdogan, in a statement to his party in Parliament, stressed that the Hamas leader's upcoming reception constitutes an important moment to discuss critical issues impacting the Palestinian cause. This meeting marks Haniyeh's first visit to Turkey since the start of the latest Israeli military actions in Gaza, which began on October 7.

This visit coincides with a context of growing regional unrest following the recent Iranian attack on Israel, a retaliatory measure after the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus in early April. Erdogan has clearly placed responsibility for the current regional crisis on Israeli leaders, particularly Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Adding to the diplomatic turmoil, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan met with Haniyeh on Wednesday in Doha. Their discussions focused on humanitarian aid to Gaza, ceasefire initiatives and conditions surrounding ongoing hostage negotiations. Hamas expressed a strong desire for a ceasefire and highlighted the essential role Turkey plays in regional dynamics.

In a subsequent news conference with Qatari leaders, Fidan highlighted the continuing risk of a broader regional conflict and criticized the support some countries have shown for Israel. He stressed the importance of Palestinian unity in achieving a sovereign state and advocated for a two-state solution.

Fidan also addressed the Western perception of Hamas, influenced by Israeli narratives that characterize the group as a terrorist organization. He mentioned that Hamas had reiterated its willingness to disband its armed wing if a Palestinian state was established along the 1967 borders, then functioning solely as a political entity.




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