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The promises Donald Trump has made so far in his campaign for a second term

The promises Donald Trump has made so far in his campaign for a second term


Trump has vowed to use the Justice Department to attack his critics and former allies. In several videos and speeches, the former president also outlined his intention to destroy the current justice system by firing the radical Marxist prosecutors who are destroying America.

I will appoint a real special prosecutor to prosecute the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the entire Biden crime family, Trump said in a June 2023 speech. Deep State.

Trump said in a campaign video last year that he would reinstate a 2020 executive order to remove rogue bureaucrats and propose a constitutional amendment to limit the terms of members of Congress.

I will appoint a real special prosecutor to prosecute the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the entire Biden crime family.

To address what he called a troubling relationship between tech platforms and government, the former president said in a January 2023 video that he would impose a seven-year cooling-off period before agency employees such as the FBI or the CIA may work for platforms that monitor user data in bulk.

Trump added in several campaign statements that he would direct the Justice Department to investigate online censorship, prohibit federal agencies from colluding to censor citizens and suspend federal money for universities participating in activities supporting censorship.

In a September 2023 speech at the Family Research Councils' Pray Vote Stand summit in Washington, D.C., Trump also touted his intention to continue appointing conservative judges.

I will once again appoint rock-solid conservative justices to do their thing, like Justices Antonin Scalia; Samuel Alito, a great gentleman; and another great gentleman, Clarence Thomas, he said.

Trump also pledged to appoint U.S. attorneys who will be the polar opposite of Soros' district attorneys and others who are being appointed throughout the United States.

In a September 2023 speech in Washington, D.C., Trump also announced that he would appoint a task force to review the cases of people he said had been unjustly persecuted by the Biden administration. Trump has indicated that he wants to study the situation very quickly and sign their pardons or commutations on day one.

It's a move that could lead to the potential pardon of many rioters from the January 6, 2021, insurrection, something he suggested doing during a CNN town hall in May 2023.

* Only promises regarding judicial appointments and congressional term limits are similar to previous campaigns.




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