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Reviews | Mike Pence: Donald Trump betrayed the pro-life movement

Reviews |  Mike Pence: Donald Trump betrayed the pro-life movement


Serving as vice president in the most pro-life administration in American history has been one of the greatest honors of my life. Of all our accomplishments, I am perhaps most proud that the Supreme Court justices we confirmed voted to send Roe v. Wade into the ashes of history, ending a travesty of jurisprudence that led to the deaths of more than 63 million unborn Americans.

Since Roe was overturned, I have been inspired by the efforts of pro-life leaders across the country, including Indiana, to promote strong protections for unborn and vulnerable women.

But while nearly half of our states have passed strict pro-life laws, some Democrats continue to support taxpayer-funded abortions up until the time of birth in the rest of the country.

That's why I believe now is the time to adopt a national minimum standard limiting abortion after 15 weeks to end late-term abortions across the country.

The majority of Americans support some form of restriction on abortions, and passing a law banning late-term abortions would largely reflect that view. Democrats in Washington have already tried to legalize abortion up to the moment of birth, but they failed. But they will try again, with the same extremism, if restrictions on abortion are not put in place at the federal level.

Contrary to Democrats' claims, banning abortions after 15 weeks is entirely reasonable.

While Democrats often hold up Europe as a model for America to follow, the vast majority of European countries have set national limits on elective abortion after 15 weeks. Germany and Belgium have a gestation limit of up to 14 weeks. A majority of European countries are even more restrictive, with Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Greece, Austria, Italy and Ireland banning abortion on demand after 12 weeks.

When it comes to abortion policy, America today seems closer to communist China and North Korea than to European nations. By banning late-term abortions after 15 weeks, America can move away from the radical fringe and back squarely into the mainstream of Western thought and jurisprudence.

This is why it was so disheartening to me to see former President Trump recently retreat from the pro-life cause. Like so many other pro-life advocates, I was deeply disappointed when Mr. Trump said he viewed abortion as a state issue and would not sign a bill banning it. late-term abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, even if it happened. his office.

I know how engaged he was in the pro-life movement during our tenure. Who can forget the way candidate Donald Trump denounced late-term abortion during a debate with Hillary Clinton in 2016, highlighting how she and other Democrats would allow doctors to rip the baby from the mother's womb just before the birth of the baby. .

In 2018, before a Senate vote on a 20-week national ban passed earlier by the House, the president publicly stated that he strongly supported efforts to end late-term abortions nationwide, with exceptions for rape, incest or the life of the child. mother.

Today, not only is Mr. Trump abandoning this position; he leads other Republicans astray. A recent example is an Arizona Republican running for U.S. Senate, who followed Trump's lead and pledged to oppose a federal ban on late-term abortions. When our leaders are not firmly committed to life, others will hesitate as well. Courage inspires imitation. Weakness too.

While some worry about the political consequences of adopting a national minimum standard of 15 weeks, history has proven that when Republicans stand up for life without excuses and pit our common-sense positions against the extremism of the pro-abortion left, voters reward us with victories. at the polls. In fact, voters overwhelmingly re-elected Governors Mike DeWine of Ohio, Greg Abbott of Texas and Brian Kemp of Georgia after they signed bills banning abortion after six weeks.

But what should concern us far more than the politics of abortion is the immorality of ending unborn human life. At 15 weeks of development, the baby's face is well formed and his eyes are sensitive to light. She can suck her thumb and make a fist. She begins to move and stretch. And she is created in the image of God, just like you or me.

Now is not the time to give ground in the fight for the right to life. As the former president has sounded the retreat from life nationally, I pray that he rediscovers the passion for life that defined our four years in office and joins the fight to end once and for all all to late-term abortions in America. The character of our nation and the lives of unborn generations demand nothing less.

Mike Pence served as vice president of the United States from 2017 to 2021. Former governor of Indiana, he was a candidate for the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election.

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