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Trump rally in North Carolina canceled due to storms

Trump rally in North Carolina canceled due to storms


After former President Donald J. Trump sat in a New York courtroom for much of the last week, Saturday night was supposed to herald a return to the campaign trail and large rallies where he often delivers long freewheeling speeches.

With thousands of people gathered on the tarmac at an airport in Wilmington, North Carolina, Mr. Trump's campaign was building anticipation. Two hours before he spoke, the campaign launched a fundraising campaign with a message from Mr. Trump: They can't keep me off the stage! Did they think I was going to run and hide?

Ninety minutes later, the sky darkened and lightning flashed. As thunderstorms swept through the area and the National Weather Service issued watches and warnings for dangerous winds and hail, the gathering was canceled for safety reasons.

We're going to make up for that very quickly at another time, Mr. Trump said in a call he made to the rally and which was broadcast over the loudspeakers. Well, do it as quickly as possible. I am devastated that this could happen.

But the cancellation, which Mr. Trump has indicated was beyond his control, highlights the challenges he could face as he tries to balance his presidential campaign with a criminal trial that will keep him busy until may.

For much of the past week, Mr. Trump's public comments have been limited to social media posts and remarks to reporters outside the courtroom. His only campaign stop was at a bodega in New York, in a state he lost overwhelmingly in the last two elections and is not expected to happen in November.

Saturday's rally was expected to serve as a preview of the weeks to come, with Mr. Trump traveling over the weekend to campaign in battleground states that are more central to his efforts to return to the White House.

He has repeatedly said the lawsuit prevents him from campaigning in places like North Carolina, which he won in 2016 and 2020 but where Democrats are making a strong push in November. Closing arguments are expected to begin Monday and the trial is expected to last six to eight weeks.

As is often the case at Mr. Trump's rallies, the crowd began lining up hours before his expected remarks. Among those gathered outside was a group wearing shirts with the logo of the Proud Boys, a prominent far-right extremist group. One person held a sign reading Release all J6 prisoners, a reference to those serving sentences in connection with the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol.

Mr. Trump, who faces four criminal charges including charges related to his efforts to overturn his election defeat, most recently hugged dozens of defendants on Jan. 6. He called them hostages and said he would consider pardoning them.

In a statement, Ammar Moussa, a spokesperson for the Biden campaign, criticized the group's presence, pointing to remarks Mr. Trump made during a 2020 debate in which he told the Proud Boys to stay put. withdrawal and stand idly by.

This is Donald Trump's America: where white nationalists and far-right violent extremists have power and working families are left behind, Mr. Moussa wrote.

Chris LaCivita, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign, responded in a statement: “We don’t comment on stupid things.

Mr. Trump's remarks were expected to face particularly close scrutiny given that he is subject to a silence order during his criminal trial that prohibits him from attacking witnesses, prosecutors, jurors and the court staff, as well as their relatives and those close to the judge. Prosecutors said Mr. Trump violated the silence order seven times, and a hearing will be held on Tuesday on that issue.

Mr. Trump visited North Carolina earlier in the day and attended a fundraiser in Charlotte in the afternoon. When he called the rally, he told attendees that he was minutes away from his flight to Wilmington, but that authorities would prefer that we not intervene for safety reasons.

I'm really sorry, Mr. Trump said. But well, start again, and well, do it bigger and better. You have my promise.

As the crowds left to seek shelter in their cars, vendors outside were still selling an array of merchandise, some of which had been created specifically for the occasion. One T-shirt promoted what he called the Wilmington stop during Mr. Trump's Save America tour.

I was there! The shirt read. Where have you been???

Robert Draper contributed reporting.




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