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PM Modis Rajasthan Hate Speech in Congress 16 Complaints to Election Commission

PM Modis Rajasthan Hate Speech in Congress 16 Complaints to Election Commission


Congress leaders Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Gurdeep Singh Sappal and others leave after the meeting with Election Commission of India (ECI) officials, at Nirvachan Sadan in New Delhi on April 22, 2024.

Congress leaders Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Gurdeep Singh Sappal and others leave after the meeting with Election Commission of India (ECI) officials, at Nirvachan Sadan in New Delhi on April 22, 2024. | Photo credit: Special arrangement

In strong opposition to Prime Minister Narendra Modis' claims that the Congress manifesto talks about redistribution of wealth to Muslims, the main opposition party on Monday approached the Election Commission (EC) seeking action against Mr. Modi.

In its official representation to the EC, the Congress alleged that the Prime Minister was invoking religion and religious symbols to create enmity between groups and contended that the only remedy consistent with the principle of zero tolerance against practices of corruption is the disqualification of candidates who attempt to create a divide….

The party delegation, led by Abhishek Singhvi, however, did not argue for disqualification before the commission.

Meanwhile, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge, who had termed Mr. Modi's speech as hate speech, sought a meeting with the Prime Minister to brief him about his election promise document.

EC refuses to comment on Modi's hate speech

The EC, however, refused to comment even as the Prime Minister's speech, delivered at a rally in Rajasthan Banswara on Sunday, snowballed into a major political controversy.

The Prime Minister must be held accountable by the EC for the brazen trampling of the model code of conduct as well as the entire gamut of electoral and other offenses committed by him and his party, the Congress said in a representation, adding that inaction the poll panel would tarnish his legacy.

Read also | PM has new tactics to distract from real issues: Rahul Gandhi on Modi's remarks on wealth redistribution

Speaking to reporters after presenting his case before the Election Committee, Mr. Singhvi said, “This is not a trial of those against whom we have filed a complaint but a trial of the Election Commission itself- even. This is a test of our constitutional spirit and philosophy, and I hope no one fails this test.

Asked what action the Congress would expect the EC to take against Mr Modi, Mr Singhvi replied: [EC] do in other cases.

Stepping up his political attack, Congress general secretary (organization) KC Venugopal accused Mr. Modi of lying about everything and spreading such fake news.

Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge has requested a meeting with the Prime Minister to brief him about our manifesto. We will give him a copy of our manifesto. All our Congress workers and candidates will also send him a copy of our manifesto, Mr. Venugopal said.

Leading a counterattack against Mr. Modi, Congress leader Jairam Ramesh claimed that the Prime Minister and the BJP insisted on over 400 seats to end social justice, social empowerment and reservations , enshrined in the Constitution written by Babasahedb Ambedkar.

Asking a series of questions on social media platform he would distribute land, gold and other valuables among the Muslims to the people. When and where did Congress declare that a survey would be conducted to assess the property of individuals, the gold held by women and the money held by tribal families? When and where did Congress declare that land and money belonging to government employees would be equally distributed? » asked the former Minister of Finance.

I don't remember any other Prime Minister making such outrageous statements as those of PM Modi in Jalore and Banswara in Rajasthan…

Mr Chidambaram said it was a shame that the level of debate had fallen to a new low after April 21.

The Prime Minister must have a certain respect for his predecessor. Dr. [Manmohan] Singh had said the first claim to resources lay with SC, ST, OBC, minorities, women and children. It is outrageous to twist one's words as Mr. Modi did, Mr. Chidambaram said.

In total, the Congress has filed 17 complaints with the EC, including use of religious photos and posters by the BJP in Gujarat and hosting of polarizing TV shows by a particular anchor of a Hindi channel .




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