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Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss set to speak at Pepperdine

Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss set to speak at Pepperdine


MALIBU, Calif. Liz Truss, the shortest-serving prime minister in British history, is scheduled to speak at Pepperdine University on Thursday.

Truss, who served as U.K. prime minister for 49 days in 2022 amid a government crisis, plans to explore his book “Ten Years to Saving the West” in the latest installment of the President's Lecture Series from Pepperdine. The event will take place Thursday at 12:30 p.m. in the Caruso School of Law Atrium.

“Truss will share his ideas on why socialism remains popular, the clear and present danger of an ever-expanding “administrative state,” why the West should not ignore the threat of an aggressive China, and why Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher should remain the beacons of conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic,” read a statement from Pepperdine.

Truss, a member of the Conservative Party, was elected to Parliament in 2010. She became Prime Minister in September 2022 following the ouster of scandal-plagued Boris Johnson.

His plan to boost post-Brexit economic growth with tax cuts and deregulation has sparked enthusiasm among Tory MPs. But a budget with $54 million in unfunded tax cuts has rattled financial markets, driven up the cost of government borrowing and sent sterling to its lowest level ever against the dollar.

The Bank of England intervened to support the bond market and prevent a larger economic crisis.

A tabloid newspaper set up a live camera on a head of lettuce and a photo of Truss and asked which would last longer. The salad leaf won and the nickname Lettuce Liz was born.

In October 2022, Truss resigned and was replaced by Rishi Sunak, the rival defeated just months earlier.

As part of his book tour, Truss defended his economic record and blamed the deep state, technocrats, the establishment, civil servants and the Bank of England for his downfall. His public prominence after leaving office goes against the tradition of former prime ministers disappearing from the public eye.

The first 100 people to register for the event will receive a free copy of Truss' memoir. A reception luncheon will follow. The event is free, however registration is required.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.




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