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Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit France, Serbia and Hungary and appears keen to play a bigger role in Ukraine

Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit France, Serbia and Hungary and appears keen to play a bigger role in Ukraine


  • Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit France, Serbia and Hungary next week.
  • China claims neutrality in the Ukraine war, but has refused to call the Russian assault an invasion and has been accused of supporting Russian weapons manufacturing.
  • The United States will closely monitor these visits for any signs of diminishing support for U.S. foreign policy objectives.

Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit France, Serbia and Hungary next week, as Beijing appears to seek to play a bigger role in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine that has upended global political and economic security.

The visit by Xi, Chinese President and head of the ruling Communist Party, is his first to Europe in five years and “will inject new impetus into the world's peaceful development,” China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Monday. Lin Jian, during a daily press briefing. .

China claims neutrality in the Ukraine conflict, but Xi and Russian President Vladimir Putin said their governments enjoyed “boundless friendship” before Moscow's February 2022 attack on Ukraine. China has refused to call the Russian assault an invasion and has been accused of bolstering Russia's financial and technological capacity to continue producing weapons for use against Ukraine, which expects tens of billions of dollars military aid to counter Russian aggression.


The Foreign Ministry said Xi's visits would begin on April 5 and end on April 10, but gave no further details.

These visits will be closely monitored in Washington for any signs of waning support for key U.S. foreign policy goals.

French President Emmanuel Macron raised concerns in Washington during a visit to China last year, after he said France would not blindly follow the United States in getting involved in crises that did not concern it, an apparent reference to China's demands for unification with Taiwan.

Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China.

Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Great Hall of the People April 26, 2024 in Beijing, China. Chinese President Xi Jinping will visit France, Serbia and Hungary next week, as Beijing appears to seek to play a greater role in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Monday. April 29. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein, swimming pool, file)

China has built strong relations with Serbia, including making a semi-secret delivery of an anti-aircraft missile system to the former Yugoslav republic in 2022.

The government of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbn has delayed Sweden's entry into NATO by several months. NATO expansion has been cited by China as having prompted Putin to invade Ukraine.

Orbn, a right-wing populist who has forged close ties with Russia, said criticism of Hungarian governance by Swedish politicians has deteriorated relations between the two countries and led to the reluctance of lawmakers in his Fidesz party to support Sweden's membership in NATO.


The visits come after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Xi in Beijing on Friday and stressed the importance of “responsibly managing” disputes between the US and China as the two sides clash on a number of controversial bilateral, regional and global issues. .

Also on Friday, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu praised military cooperation with China during a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Dong Jun in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan.

He said cooperation is important because “new hotbeds of tension are emerging and old ones are exacerbating. In essence, this is the result of geopolitical adventures and self-serving neocolonial actions of the West.”




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