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Banker in key deal testifying at Trump trial Tuesday

Banker in key deal testifying at Trump trial Tuesday


Banker who played role in secret $130,000 payment to porn star who claimed to have had one-night stand with Donald Trump returns to witness stand in former president's criminal trial of New York resumes Tuesday.

At the end of his testimony last week, Gary Farro, chief executive of New York's now-defunct First Republic Bank, described how he opened an account in October 2016 for Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer and political fixer. .

Cohen said he used the account to pay money to movie star Stormy Daniels two weeks before the 2016 election to hide information from voters before they went to the polls.

Farro said Cohen funded the new account by taking money from his home equity line of credit, which Cohen said he did so his wife would not know about the transaction. Cohen, who was convicted of campaign finance charges in connection with the payment to Daniels, has turned on his former boss and is expected to be a key witness against him.

FILE – Michael Cohen speaks to the media as he arrives for former President Donald Trump's civil business fraud trial at New York Supreme Court, Oct. 24, 2023.

The payment of hush money is at the heart of the charges against Trump in the first-ever criminal trial of a former US president.

Prosecutors accused Trump of falsifying 34 business records from his real estate conglomerate Trump Organization to hide repayment of funds Cohen paid to Daniels to silence her. Trump says the payments were for Cohen's legal work.

Trump denied Daniels' claim that they had sex at a celebrity golf tournament a decade before the election.

Trump, now the presumptive Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election, also faces three other indictments comprising 54 additional counts, including two cases accusing him of illegally trying to compensate for his defeat by Joe Biden four years ago. He has denied all accusations.

Because of his lawyers' legal challenges in the three other cases, the New York trial may be the only one he faces before the 2024 election.

Testimony at the trial began last week. David Pecker, a former publisher of the National Enquirer tabloid and a longtime friend of Trump, told the 12-member jury during four days of testimony that he agreed during an August 2015 meeting at Trump Tower in New York with Trump and Cohen to do everything he could to help Trump win the presidency. Prosecutors are calling the meeting a Trump Tower conspiracy.

Pecker said he published favorable articles about Trump and embellished negative articles about his opponents.

Most significantly, Pecker said he paid a Playboy model, Karen McDougal, $150,000 to kill reports that she claimed she had a months-long affair with Trump in 2006 and 2007. Trump denied the affair, but Pecker said Trump called at one point. McDougal, a nice girl. After becoming president, Pecker said Trump asked him about his well-being as he and Pecker walked on the White House grounds in mid-2017.

Additionally, Pecker said he paid an additional $30,000 to a doorman at a Trump property in New York to silence his false claim that Trump had fathered a child out of wedlock.

Prosecutors have not publicly revealed who their next witness will be after Farro. The trial could last another five weeks before the jury considers the case. Testimony is scheduled four days a week, except Wednesday, but was also canceled Monday this week.

Meanwhile, the judge in the case, New York Supreme Court Juan Merchan, scheduled a hearing for Thursday on whether to hold Trump in contempt of court for allegedly violating a hush order barring him from attack witnesses likely to testify in the case.

Trump has denied any wrongdoing and said the silence violated his right to free speech and his ability to defend himself as he ran for president again.




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