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Istanbul police declare de facto state of emergency over May Day celebrations

Istanbul police declare de facto state of emergency over May Day celebrations


On orders from President Recep Tayyip Erdoan's government, the Istanbul governor's office declared a de facto state of emergency on Tuesday morning, closing Taksim Square to May Day celebrations.

According to the press release, metro, metrobus, tram and bus services will be restricted from the early hours of May 1. Public transportation will be largely suspended in the Beyolu district, where Taksim Square is located, as well as in neighborhoods like Beikta, Fatih and Ili; Main roads will be closed to traffic and Bosphorus crossings between the Anatolian and European sides will be blocked.

In addition to the traffic measures that will paralyze central Istanbul, the governorate has shown that it is preparing for a street war by asking municipalities to collect trash and stones from the streets. He directed the Road Maintenance Department to have a number of construction machines and trucks ready at designated points.

These measures constitute a show of force by the state apparatus led by Erdoan against the demonstrators on the International Day of Working Class Struggle. They have the same goal as the police repression of anti-genocide and anti-war protesters by the ruling elite in the United States, Europe and around the world to intimidate the opposition and the working class.

Taksim Square has symbolic meaning for the Turkish working class. On May 1, 1977, 34 people were killed and 136 injured by gunfire during celebrations in Taksim Square. The fact that no one was held accountable for the massacre reinforced the perception that it was a state reaction to growing class struggle.

After years of struggle, the Erdoan government was forced to reinstate May Day as a public holiday in 2009 and allow May Day celebrations in Taksim Square in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The rallies held in those years with The participation of hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated the falsity of the government's claim that the area had not been suitable for celebrations since 2013.

Social Equality, the predecessor of the Socialist Equality Group, carries the banner “The International Unites the Human Race” during the demonstration in Taksim Square on May 1, 2012.

In late May 2013, Taksim Square was occupied by protesters for almost two weeks during the Gezi Park protests, which erupted against the government's authoritarian policies and social inequality and involved millions of people across the country.




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