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One day after being cited for contempt, Donald Trump insulted the judge presiding over his trial

One day after being cited for contempt, Donald Trump insulted the judge presiding over his trial


Donald Trump briefly returned to the campaign trail Wednesday and called the judge presiding over his secret trial crooked, a day after he was arrested for contempt of court and threatened with prison time for violating a silence order.

Trump's remarks at events in the battleground states of Wisconsin and Michigan were closely watched after he was fined $9,000 for making public statements about people connected to the affair criminal. In imposing the fine for posts on the Trump Truth Social account and the campaign website, Judge Juan M. Merchan said that if Trump continued to violate his orders, he would impose prison time.

There is no crime. I have a corrupt judge. He's a totally conflicted judge, Trump said while addressing supporters at an event in Waukesha, Wis., asserting once again that this case and others against him were being pursued by the House Blanche to undermine his campaign.

The silence order prohibits him from making public statements about witnesses, jurors and some others linked to his hush money case. Trump is still free to criticize Merchan.

The former president is attempting to achieve a balance unprecedented in American history by running for a second term as the presumptive Republican nominee while also battling felony charges in New York. Trump frequently attacks Merchan, prosecutors and potential witnesses at his rallies and on social media, lines of attack that sit well with his supporters but have potentially put him in further legal jeopardy.

Trump insists he is simply exercising his right to free speech, but the offensive posts from his Truth Social account and campaign website have been removed. Merchan is evaluating other alleged violations of the hush order and will hear arguments Thursday.

Trump has often called this and other criminal cases against him election interference, saying they prevent him from campaigning in November's presidential election.

Participants agreed he was being unfairly prosecuted, saying the trial and the silence order were designed to distract him.

It's a trial looking for a crime, said Ray Hanson, of Hartford. Hanson said he expected Trump's lawyers to keep him in line so he doesn't violate the silence order, even though he probably wants to talk about the trial.

Manhattan prosecutors argued that Trump and his associates participated in an illegal scheme to influence the 2016 presidential campaign by buying and then burying negative stories. He pleaded not guilty.

Trump's visits to Wisconsin and Michigan mark his second trip to swing states in just a month. In previous rallies, the former president focused largely on immigration, referring to people who are in the United States illegally and suspected of crimes like animals.

Meanwhile, Democrats hope to remind voters ahead of those visits of Trump's stance on abortion, which Trump is openly concerned about because he sees it as a political liability for him and Republicans.

Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan met Wednesday with a half-dozen women, including a family doctor, and warned that a second Trump term would threaten abortion rights, even in her state, which has listed these rights in its constitution after the Supreme Court overturned it. national procedural rights.

Whitmer appeared with the women at a Flint bookstore, surrounded by signs reading Stop Trump's Attacks on Health Care and Stop Trump's Abortion Ban. She told reporters that Trump's assertion in an interview with Time Magazine that Republicans would never have enough votes in the U.S. Senate to pass a national abortion ban should not be believed.

We can't trust anything Donald Trump says when it comes to abortion. So no one should take solace in the fact that, yes, they want an abortion ban, but they won't get it because they don't think having 60 votes in the Senate is helpful. It’s bullshit, she said. No one would have imagined we would be here right now.

Wisconsin and Michigan are among a handful of battleground states expected to decide the 2024 elections.

For Trump to win both states, he must do well in suburban areas like areas outside Milwaukee and Saginaw, Michigan, where he will hold events on Wednesdays. He underperformed in suburban areas during this year's primaries, even though he dominated the Republican field overall.

Trump has repeatedly and falsely claimed that the 2020 election was stolen from him. Trump's losses in battleground states in 2020 have withstood recounts, audits and scrutiny by the Justice Department and outside observers.




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