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Prosecutors release Cohen's secret recording of Trump discussing payment to Karen McDougal

Prosecutors release Cohen's secret recording of Trump discussing payment to Karen McDougal


During the 10th day of former President Donald Trump's secret trial, jurors heard a secret recording made by Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which the two discussed a payment made to the former Playboy model, Karen McDougal. This is a brief update from Yahoo News on the criminal and civil cases against Trump. Here are the latest developments.

What happened today

During the testimony of forensic analyst Douglas Daus, prosecutors played a secret recording Cohen made of Trump in September 2016. During the conversation, Cohen is heard telling Trump: “I have to open a company for the transfer of all this information about our friend David. , in reference to David Pecker, then publisher of the National Enquirer, who paid McDougal $150,000 as part of a deal to bury negative stories about Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign. On the tape, Cohen briefs Trump that he spoke to the Trump Organization's chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, about the transaction and referred to the financing. In response, Trump is heard asking: what funding?


Recordings played for jury: Daus, who works for the Manhattan district attorney's office and examined the contents of Cohen's phones, obtained photographs, a meeting schedule, contact lists and recordings that were all presented as evidence Thursday. Cohen, who often secretly recorded his conversations with others, recorded one with Trump in September 2016. That appears to bolster the lawsuits' claim that Trump not only knew about the deal with the Enquirer to capture and killing negative stories about Trump in order to bolster his presidential campaign, but that he allowed it.

In another recording, Cohen is heard referencing what he said Trump told him about paying adult film actress Stormy Daniels $130,000. I can't even tell you how many times he told me, “I hate that we did it,” and my comment was, “But everyone we talked to told you that it “It was the right decision,” says Cohen. on the recording.

What have we done ? : Earlier in the day, Keith Davidson, an attorney who represented Daniels and McDougal in financial negotiations regarding their allegations of extramarital affairs with Trump, concluded his testimony. Prosecutors showed the jury a text message Davidson sent to National Enquirer editor Dylan Howard after Trump was declared the winner of the 2016 election. What did we do? Davidson sent a text message apparently referencing the deal that paid McDougal $150,000, but blocked his story from becoming public before votes were cast. Davidson testified that there was an understanding that their efforts could have helped Donald Trump's presidential campaign in some way.

Defense portrays Davidson as a serial extortionist: During cross-examination, Trump's lawyer Emil Bove sought to portray Davidson as a serial extortionist, highlighting his work helping other clients obtain drug payments. other celebrities, including Charlie Sheen, in order to bury salacious allegations. Time and again, he attempted to turn the tables on the prosecution witness, thereby bringing Davidson to justice. Bove also played a recording of a phone call between Davidson and Cohen, in which Davidson said Daniels wanted to be paid for her story more than you might imagine, adding: If [Trump] loses this election, and he's going to lose, we all lose all fucking leverage.

Another SLAPP Hearing: The day began with another hearing to determine whether Trump violated Judge Juan Mercans' silence order that prevents him from commenting on witnesses, the jury and court staff during the trial. Merchan, who last week fined Trump $9,000 for violating the hush order, has not made a final ruling on the final four cases reported by prosecutors. Later, Trump's lawyers asked Merchan if he would review posts Trump wanted to post on social media to see if they violated his silence order. Merchan said it was not his job to review messages in advance. “When in doubt, stay away,” Merchan added.

Trump says he's not allowed to testify: After the court was dismissed for the day, Trump spoke to reporters outside the courtroom, falsely claiming that he was not allowed to testify in the case because he was under a silence order.

And after?

Testimony resumes at trial Friday at 9:30 a.m. ET, with Daus returning to the witness stand.

The background to Trump's trials and court cases




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