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Pak creates new cybercrime agency which experts say will also target Imran Khan supporters

Pak creates new cybercrime agency which experts say will also target Imran Khan supporters


The Pakistani government's decision to establish a national agency called the National Cyber ​​Crime Investigation Agency (NCCIA) has raised concerns in the country, with several experts citing that the move would not only seriously affect citizens' right to privacy, but also aimed to target huge social problems. media presence of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party of imprisoned former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Hamza Ameer

Islamabad, May 4 (IANS) The Pakistan government's decision to set up a national agency called the National Cyber ​​Crime Investigation Agency (NCCIA) has raised concerns in the country, with several experts citing that the move would not only seriously affect the rights of citizens to privacy, but that it also aimed to target the massive social media presence of imprisoned former Prime Minister Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party.

The Establishment Division of the Government of Pakistan announced the establishment of NCCIA, whose main objective is to counter propaganda and rumors on social media and protect people's digital rights.

“We must put an end to harassment, including online,” Federal Minister of Information and Broadcasting Attaullah Tarar said on Thursday.

He added that there was an “immediate and urgent need” for an authority like the NCCIA to tackle the problem of online harassment and also to protect consumers' digital rights.

However, security experts disagree with the government and have expressed serious concerns about the negative effects on citizens' right to privacy.

“This raises concerns that go beyond duplication of efforts and resources; this decision could also seriously affect citizens' right to privacy, which appears to have been neglected in the rush to strengthen cyber defenses,” he said. said Khawaja Khalid Farooq, former inspector general of police and former head of the National Anti-Terrorism Authority.

Another view states that the military establishment wants to have a strong strategy and authority to combat the anti-establishment campaigns carried out by the PTI through its large social media presence.

“PTI is the only political party in Pakistan with a very strong social media presence. Its campaigns and social media teams have the strongest influence on the masses through their social media engagements,” says the senior political analyst Javed Siddique.

“Anti-military sentiments have been prevalent and widely expressed on social media platforms by the PTI and supporters of Imran Khan. The NCCIA could be appointed and tasked to work with primary focus on combating the spread of anti-military campaigns. -establishment carried out by the PTI on social media within the legal framework of the controversial PECA law,” he adds.

It is pertinent to note that the establishment of the NCCIA would result in the demise of the already existing cybercrime wing of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).

According to the notification in the Pakistan Gazette, the establishment of NCCIA was established under Section 51 of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act, 2016 (PECA). The notification also mentioned that the NCCIA would take over cybercrime investigations from the FIA ​​Cyber ​​Crime Wing in December 2024, adding that the FIA ​​would henceforth cease to exercise the functions of a designated agency under the Act.

“The NCCIA will be headed by a Director General, selected by the Federal Government for a term of two years. The head of the NCCIA would exercise the powers of an Inspector General of Police while the affairs of the agency relating to the affairs of the federal government would be entrusted to the Interior Division,” the Pakistan Gazette notification states.

Experts, however, believe that the creation of the NCCIA is irrelevant as the cybercrime wing of the FIA ​​has the required framework, capabilities and is equipped to deal with cyber threats.

“The creation of the NCCIA to replace the cybercrime arm of the FIA ​​could result in overlapping responsibilities, leading to bureaucratic inefficiencies and confusion,” Farooq said.

“There is a risk that the pursuit of cybersecurity and the right to privacy will be compromised without strict checks and balances in place,” he added.

Another view states that the military establishment wants to have a strong strategy and authority to combat the strong social media presence of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) which targets the military establishment.

“PTI is the only political party in Pakistan with a very strong social media presence. Its campaigns and social media teams have the strongest influence on the masses through their social media engagements. supporters prevailed and widely expressed on social media platforms by PTI and Imran Khan supporters could be designated and tasked to work on priority on countering the spread of anti-establishment campaigns led by PTI on social media under the legal guise of the controversial PECA law,” said senior political analyst Javed Siddique.






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