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Prajwal Revanna sexual assault case | Zero tolerance for someone like Prajwal, Karnataka govt allowed him to leave the country: PM Modi

Prajwal Revanna sexual assault case |  Zero tolerance for someone like Prajwal, Karnataka govt allowed him to leave the country: PM Modi


    Prime Minister Narendra Modi with BJP candidate Mysuru Yaduveer (C) and NDA candidate Hassan Prajwal Revanna (R) during an election campaign rally ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, in Mysuru.  Deposit.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi with BJP candidate Mysuru Yaduveer (C) and NDA candidate Hassan Prajwal Revanna (R) during an election campaign rally ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, in Mysuru. Deposit. | Photo credit: PTI

Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted that there should be no tolerance for someone like Prajwal Revanna and accused the Congress government in Karnataka of allowing the JD(S) MP to leave the country and broadcast incriminating sex videos after the election ended. in the region dominated by the Vokkaligas.

Mr Modi said Time now that the responsibility to act in the raging matter rested with the state government as it was a matter of law and order, according to the transcript of the interview provided by the television channel.

Also read: Prajwal Revanna | Rise and fall

According to him, the presence of thousands of videos implies that this is the time when the JD(S) was allied with the Congress. These videos were collected when they were in power and were released during the elections after the Vokkaligas exercised their right to vote, he added.

The videos were released after his expulsion from the country, the prime minister said, calling the development highly suspicious. If the state government had information, it should have maintained surveillance and vigil at the airport, he said.

“You did nothing, the Indian government was not informed. That means it was a political game and they know that these videos are from the time when they were in alliance and they have accumulated these videos. However, this is not my problem, my problem is that no culprit should be spared. These games must be stopped in our nation,” he said, according to the transcript.

He added, “As far as Modi is concerned, as far as the BJP is concerned and as far as our Constitution is concerned, I am clearly of the opinion that there should be no tolerance for these people. the legal options available. Replying to a question, he said: “We should bring him back and strict action should be taken against him. There should be no ifs and buts.” The Congress and Janata Dal (Secular) led an alliance government in Karnataka after the 2018 elections and parted ways after fighting the 2019 Lok Sabha elections together.

The party led by former Prime Minister HD Deve Gowda entered into an alliance with the BJP in September last year and they are fighting the current Lok Sabha elections together.

The Congress used the issue of Revanna's alleged sexual exploitation of a large number of women, captured in nearly 3,000 video clips, to target the BJP.

Revanna, Gowda's grandson, is again in the fray from Hassan, where polling was held on April 26. The regional party enjoys influence in southern Karnataka, particularly among the Vokkaligas, the community to which Gowda belongs.

Watch | Prajwal Revanna sexual harassment case: everything you need to know

To a question on his accusations against the Congress on issues such as inheritance tax and wealth redistribution, the Prime Minister said he had cited the language, words and written assurance of the party and its leaders to make their point of view.

“This time I exposed them to the end. That's why they are shaken. When they go to seek the votes of one community, they speak differently, and when they address the other community, They take a neutral position. This is their duplicity,” he said.

This is different from the BJP which has always talked about construction of Ram temple, abrogation of Article 370 and Uniform Civil Code, he noted.

On the other hand, the Congress has been constantly lying by attacking the BJP by claiming that it has plans to amend the Constitution, he said, adding that some BJP members have said something and that Congress overdid it.

“They refuse to hear our version. Now Congress is asking where in its manifesto wealth distribution and inheritance tax are mentioned. Congress should not have double standards. Congress will have to respond,” said Modi.

Elaborating on his arguments against reservations based on religion, he said such an idea was against the Constitution. Citing his government's welfare measures, Modi said it does not discriminate on the basis of religion.




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