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Venture capital says half of Google's staff are “not doing any actual work”

Venture capital says half of Google's staff are “not doing any actual work”


Andreessen Horowitz's general partner is the latest addition to the debate over “fake jobs” in Big Tech. David Ulevich said that “half of Google's white-collar staff probably doesn't have a real job.'' Other venture capital firms have made similar statements, and companies such as tech companies Google and Meta have made large numbers of layoffs in recent years.

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Investors at Silicon Valley firm Andreessen Horowitz are the latest venture capitalists to join the debate over “fake jobs” in the tech industry.

David Ulevich, a general partner at Andreessen Horowitz, said in an interview with Emily Sandberg published Monday in Substack's Feed Me newsletter that Google He said it was an “amazing example” of a company employing

“As we (society and economy) prioritize conglomerates and giant corporations, we're seeing a proliferation of unrelated jobs,” he said. “Anyone who works in a white-collar company with 10,000 or more employees knows that many employees could probably be laid off tomorrow, and the company wouldn't feel much of a difference, probably cutting back on employees. I know I'll be even better if I bring myself into things. ”

Mr. Ulevich was previously CEO of web security startup OpenDNS, which he sold to Cisco for $635 million in 2015.

“The growing number of professional managers in the United States and, more importantly, the societal perception that those jobs are 'really important' is a weakness rather than a strength,” he added. “I have been in this class throughout my career, and when I was a senior vice president at Cisco, people treated me like I was very impressive and important. It's great that you did that. So of course I thought so too. Dynamics are pervasive throughout the company, and it's inconvenient.”

One effect, Urevich said, is “the decline of the small and medium-sized businesses that support America's industrial and manufacturing base,” as the people working in these industries age and the workforce disappears, jobs are outsourced overseas, and these He said this is because the jobs are seen as less desirable than white-collar jobs. . He also pointed to another result.

“Another problem with all the 'BS' jobs at large corporations is that they take profits away from shareholders, who are often pensioners and retirement accounts in other parts of the United States,” he said. “So not only are these people useless (we're led to believe that useless work doesn't actually matter), they're also taking money out of the retirement plans of the rest of the workforce. .”

Ulevich went on to point specifically to Google, calling it a “great example.”

“I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that half of Google's white-collar staff probably isn't doing any real work,” he said. “For more than a decade, the company has spent billions of dollars a year on projects that don't do anything, and all that money could have been returned to shareholders with retirement accounts.”

Google did not immediately respond to a request for comment. “My only comment is that I think this is one of the least controversial things I've ever said,” Ulevich told BI in an email.

In recent years, other VCs have weighed in on the debate over “fake jobs” and overstaffing within Big Tech.

Marc Andreessen criticized the “laptop class” of managers, tweeting that in 2022, “Great big companies will be 2x overstaffed. Bad big companies will be 4x overstaffed.”

Keith Lavoie, a tech investor and PayPal mafia member, last year blamed the mass layoffs, Meta and Google.

“All these people were irrelevant. This has been true for a long time. The vanity indicators in hiring employees were in a sense this false god,” he said.

“There's nothing for these people to do, it's all fake work,” he continued. “Now that it's being exposed, what these people are actually doing is going to rallies.”'s billionaire CEO Thomas Siebel said last year that Google and Meta were overhiring staff and not having enough work.

“They were working from home and not really doing anything,” he said. “If you want to work from home, including working in your pajamas for four days, go to Facebook Work.”

Some tech workers say they've “essentially had to fight to find a job,” but sometimes their bosses overhire them to make them seem more important and ensure they get promoted. , some say it's the fault of bad management who assign busy work to employees.

Tech companies like Meta and Google have laid off thousands of employees in recent years, citing a focus on efficiency.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg declares 2023 will be the company's “year of efficiency” and expresses disgust with bloated organizational structures where “managers manage managers” did. Google CEO Sundar Pichai said at the company's 2022 all-hands meeting that “our overall productivity is not at the level we need it to be relative to the number of employees we have.'' “I have great concerns that this may happen,” he is said to have told staff.




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