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PM Modi invokes Ambani-Adani: Why did Rahul stop abusing them? How much did Congress take from them? | News from India

PM Modi invokes Ambani-Adani: Why did Rahul stop abusing them?  How much did Congress take from them?  |  News from India


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday asked why Congress leader Rahul Gandhi suddenly stopped talking about Ambani and Adani in this election, suggesting a secret deal could have been struck.

You would have seen that the Shahzada of the Congress, for the last five years, has been repeating this. Since his argument over the Rafale was grounded, he started repeating that first, he talked about five industrialists, then Ambani-Adani, Ambani-Adani, Ambani-Adani. But even since the elections were announced, they have stopped abusing both. I want to ask Telangana public, shahzada should declare how much did they take from Ambani-Adani? How much black money was taken? Have tempos full of cash reached Congress? What agreement was reached? Why did you stop abusing Ambani-Adani overnight? There must be something wrong, he said in Telangana.

Rahul has consistently attacked the Center and the Prime Minister for policies which he claims are intended to specifically benefit these industrialists. And Adani-Ambani is a recurring theme in his campaign speeches. In fact, he mentioned it yesterday in his campaign speeches. Addressing an election rally in Jharkhand on Tuesday, Rahul spoke about the need for greater tribal representation and added: The BJP says you are vanvasi and they are giving all the forest lands to Adani.

Whatever he does, it's for billionaires. He has 22-25 friends like Adani and Ambani and all the work done is for them only. The land is theirs, the forest is theirs, the media is theirs, the infrastructure is theirs, the flyovers are theirs, the gasoline is theirs, everything is theirs. Dalits, tribals, those from backward communities used to get reservations in public sector, now they are privatizing everything And they are openly saying that railways will also be privatized, this is your asset sector, the railways, the roads, the airlifts, they are yours… And not the Adanis. . He gives her everything.

“Media people are here, they are talking about tribes, they will never show Ambani's marriage 24 hours a day,” he said.

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Responding to Modi's comments, Praveen Chakravarty of the Congress said, “It is clear that Prime Minister Modi is pinched and feeling the heat of Rahul Gandhis who is constantly exposing his Adani-Ambani nexus at the expense of the common person and the nation.

Addressing a large gathering of BJP cadres, Modi also attacked the Congress over former Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao. “BJP's policy is Nation First and it is working on this policy, while parties like Congress and BRS have a policy that puts family first. By the family, for the family and from the family, this is their policy. This family oriented policy is also the reason why Congress neglected and disrespected PV Narasimha Rao. They even denied having authorized his body to be deposited in the congressional office. NDA has respect for PV Narasimha Rao and awarded him the Bharat Ratna.

Modi said that after the third phase of voting on Monday, the third fuse of the INDI alliance had also burst.

Modi is in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh all day today. In the morning, before the public meeting, he visited the Sri Raja Rajeshwara Swamy temple in Karimnagar. After addressing Karimnagar, Modi visited Warangal. Later, he will fly to Rajampet in Andhra Pradesh to address a public meeting. For the first time, Modi will hold a roadshow in Vijayawada in the evening.




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